Your first charts?

Hello everyone. I'm new to trading but hopefully can use the forums to help my progress and eventually assist others.
A quick first question ..... how do I make millions?

Only kidding, can I ask your opinions on buying or aquiring a charting package?
I use Plus500 to trade that has very basic charts, however I am looking for a package that would include user definable MACD and Bollinger ranges.

Would you guys spend a lot of money on charting software if you were taking your initial first steps again?

Thank you for any help you can offer.

Graeme. UK
Guys, come on, do a bit of research.
You can get loads of demo trading accounts that offer good charting package, many using MT4.
5 minutes on google and you are away
hi Graeme, welcome to the boards.

have you considered moving your account? if their own chart offering is basic at best, then maybe a move to a platform that offers great charts. i realise you may like the trading platform, but you really shouldn't stay with someone with poor overall offerings.

are there any reasons why you stick with them, even when it's clear something's missing?