You inherited a $billion


Legendary member
I think it might be interesting to find out what members would do with a $1,000,000,000 just inherited or "made"

I saw a prog on TV the other night about a guy searching for underwater artifacts off the Philipines. He had made some finds but was running out of money. I thought if I was rich I would offer to fund his expedition as long as I could come along too !

Funding new inventions would be fun as well

Anyone want to add their fantasies ?
I would give almost all of it away.

I'd certainly use it to help a lot of people but would still want my luxuries. TBH, £1m for luxuries (nice house, cars) and £1m for living on the interest would be fine for me. The rest I'd use to set up charities and help current charities that I have an interest in.
1: invest in potentially the most likely route to achieving nuclear fusion; 😎

the benefits arising is likely to be worth more than a billion$ to society and the current geo-political dynamics, and the future.

2: manufacture more wind-up radios, and the new wind-up lights for developing countries, by setting up the manufacturing in the developing countries themselves, creating jobs.

3: use the money to become a "white-knight" middleman for producers.
the supply-chain is usually from the manufacturers to shippers/distributors to retailers.
I would compete with the distributors, then sell the products to retailers as per normal, but give the proceeds back to the developing countries for schools, health, housing, etc.
the reasoning is a greater proportion of the money is returned to underpaid people.
this strategy is self-financing.
(when you consider the price of raw materials, such as coffee, and the final retail price, the biggest chunk is taken, usually, by intermediaries that merely "stock" a finished product, rather than help to manufacture or process it. I would seek to challenge these intermediaries, but give the money back to the original producers.)

4: move to LA and start a movie production company. I know nothing about films, but could help "interview" the promising young starlets. :cheesy:

😱 its snowing lightly here in rural Shropshire!
I'd definitely buy a ticket on the next mission to the moon. How mind blowing would it be to see the Earth over the horizon?!?!?!

Lots of goodwill type things too.........after my trip to the moon I'd be satisfied and use the money for the greater good etc etc

I'd definitely buy a ticket on the next mission to the moon. How mind blowing would it be to see the Earth over the horizon?!?!?!

Lots of goodwill type things too.........after my trip to the moon I'd be satisfied and use the money for the greater good etc etc


I would ensure I'd take care of the financial needs of my family first. Modestly.

Then my relatives - all of them including the gits I don't like.

Then my friends - proportionaly giving more to ones I like and less to ones I don't. I may test them first for their sincerity.

Then I would help local charities - near me first and then spread out to national charities.

I would also contribute to international charities but may setup my own to run them as I would like to keep an eye on where the money goes. I wouldn't trust them you see.

I don't have expensive taste or desire for fast cars so it would be to good living, some travelling. Lots of fresh air. I'd like to avoid stress and fuss. I'm sure money would sort it all out.

Concept of having servants seems strange but I'm sure I could get used to it. :cheesy:

Anybody seen Brewsters Millions?
I think it might be interesting to find out what members would do with a $1,000,000,000 just inherited or "made"

Probably fund research into the existence of Extraterrestrial life.

I may test them first for their sincerity.

Atilla, may I ask, what form would such a test take ?

Just curious.

Probably fund research into the existence of Extraterrestrial life.

Atilla, may I ask, what form would such a test take ?

Just curious.


Give them nothing and watch changes in their behaviour.

I will know and note changes in behaviour and response to me.

Those who remain constant and as before would be the ones least affected by money.
I'm slightly nervous now. *hides in cupboard under stairs*

Thing is, from your little picture... I'm sure I recognise your face. It's those ears and teeth...