you can still Sell rallies on Eurodollar!


Active member
Eurodollar fundamentals haven't changed, we still see capital flows from riskyassets to safer ones... money goes out of the stock market and into things such as treasury bonds, Dollar, expectations are that this thing will continue into March at least,

I expect to see any counter trend rally on the Euro as a selling opportunity and
it makes a lot of sense to trade them on a 10-20 day strategy , I personally use
700 point stops! , we will see at least 12400 level and lower still if nothing
improves, and as low as parity (Eurodollar=1) in the comming months as the potential for interest rate differential is in favour of the dollar!

generally I'm not a great believer of technical analysis, particularly Fibs and wave
analysis I think it's more confusing than helpful, forget this technical non sense
wishful thinking... it's no use against the buying power of big banks,
Follow banks capital flow and things are a lot easier!
