YM and TWS: Help!


Junior member
This is going to sound really silly but ... I still don't know what's wrong.

I've been using Interactive Brokers TWS (demo version) to paper trade the YM. I started doing this mid February. I didn't look at any other contracts, and I was just convincing myself I had started to get the hang of this one, when it ... disappears!

I've tried reinstalling TWS, and I've searched around to see if the YM has for some bizarre reason changed its name. I've tried later expiry contracts, but every YM contract (eg. June 08) is showing as "C-1" instead of a price, and has been for the past few weeks.

Steps to reproduce: open TWS. In the "Order management" window, enter "YM" in the "Underlying" column, and TAB off it, which then prompts you to select "Mini Sized Dow Jones Industrial Average $5 - ECBOT." Select "Futures", then "Jun", then "2008" for the expiry.

Can anyone help? This is particularly frustrating for me because I've written quite a bit of real time software that hooks into this particular contract's price movements, and it's of no use if it can't access this contract's price data! Very frustrating! All the other e-mini's seem to be fine, but they simply don't seem to move AT ALL like the Dow does.

Thanks a lot.
