I think the shop is a very good idea Sharks, and all trading related material should be available. In particular trading software and systems. But here's the crunch.
1) To avoid being just another run of the mill site flogging stuff off.
I think items like trading software should only be allowed after being evaluated by at least 3 competent T2Winners. At least 3 for a balanced view.
2) If the vendors will not agree to this prerequisite then it shouldn't be allowed to grace this fine site. We all know there is one hell of a lot of rubbish out there. If just a tiny fraction of it finds its' way onto these pages, that will be the quickest way to say bye bye to the site and to the integrity that runs through it.
I don't wish to appear snobbish or elitist in any way, but I would hate for the site to become compromised.
(PS. If you are going to let anyone sell their wares on here, let me know 'cause I can knock up a trading system in 2 minutes that I can flog for a grand a go.)