I have been reading about trading now for 6month and then i finally came across CFDs, and i have to start all over 🙂 This seems like the perfect instrument for non US short therm traders since it is so hard and expensive to go short in Sweden where im planing on start trading. I would just like to know some basic stuff about CFDs before i order my first books. What im palning on doing is swing trading manly OMX stocks.
My question now is how suitable is short term investments in CFDs or should i by directly the underlying instrument (need CFDs to go short)
And my biggest question is who is loosing money??? If I open a 1000 000$ account at IGmarkets and starts trading there and constantly makes money year in and year out will they let my continue? Is it not igmarkets that loose money when i win just like with spread betting????
My question now is how suitable is short term investments in CFDs or should i by directly the underlying instrument (need CFDs to go short)
And my biggest question is who is loosing money??? If I open a 1000 000$ account at IGmarkets and starts trading there and constantly makes money year in and year out will they let my continue? Is it not igmarkets that loose money when i win just like with spread betting????