Working abroad (HK/Singapore/US/other)


Junior member

I currently work at an investment bank in London but am thinking about going abroad to work somewhere like Singapore / Hong Kong/ New York, maybe for a couple of years. I love travelling and think that now is the best time to do something like this (im 25 / single / no mortgage).

Anyone here ever done something like this? Or maybe you're living somewhere right now? Any advice on how to find a job abroad?

I've got a telephone interview with a large IB in HK this week but thats after about 6 months of searching. If i fluff this one up, Im not to keen on waiting another 6 months for another opportunity! Anyone currently in HK from London? How does it compare in your opinion? Are the hours as crazy as I've heard (8am-8pm+)?? Any general advice on the experience?

Anyone got any recommendations on destinations too? I would also like to work in Tokyo but what are the chances of that??

Could anyone recommend good job agencies that specialise in financial services and placements abroad?

Apologies for all the questions! any help appreciated!

I would strongly recommend working abroad; I spent a year in each of New York and Tokyo working for a US bank and am grateful I had that opportunity. Can you not transfer within the bank you're currently at? That's your best bet by a mile.

I've no idea what your job is, but think very hard about packing it in simply for the sake of travelling. You're better off waiting a year to transfer within your current company.

It really depends on what you do, but I found the hours in New York quite pleasant.. the day was more or less done by midday, and most people clocked off by 5. Asia is a little different, the action tends to come in the afternoon so late evenings are common.

I currently work at an investment bank in London but am thinking about going abroad to work somewhere like Singapore / Hong Kong/ New York, maybe for a couple of years. I love travelling and think that now is the best time to do something like this (im 25 / single / no mortgage).

Anyone here ever done something like this? Or maybe you're living somewhere right now? Any advice on how to find a job abroad?

I've got a telephone interview with a large IB in HK this week but thats after about 6 months of searching. If i fluff this one up, Im not to keen on waiting another 6 months for another opportunity! Anyone currently in HK from London? How does it compare in your opinion? Are the hours as crazy as I've heard (8am-8pm+)?? Any general advice on the experience?

Anyone got any recommendations on destinations too? I would also like to work in Tokyo but what are the chances of that??

Could anyone recommend good job agencies that specialise in financial services and placements abroad?

Apologies for all the questions! any help appreciated!


Ive got a 2nd interview this Thursday for a job in Hong Kong as a Mortgage Broker.

Got married 5 months ago and travelled the world and would rate HK as one
of the best cities ive ever vbeen to.

Good luck in your search.

thanks for the responses.

ged, are you planning on moving to HK for good? is it reasonable to expect some help from the company in finding accomodation for you/allowance etc? how about Visas and work permits etc? or are you just expected to turn and start working?

also, i dont intend on living in HK for the rest of my life...i just want to work there temporarily (say 2 years max). it probably wouldn't be wise to say this to the employer? (as they might want people more permanent?) or is it beter to be straight up?

meanreversion, theres no chance of transferring to hk, singapore or the US as the bank i work for, thought large and international, is more concentrated in the emerging markets, otherwise yes, i would have gone for a transfer too i think.
thanks for the responses.

ged, are you planning on moving to HK for good? is it reasonable to expect some help from the company in finding accomodation for you/allowance etc? how about Visas and work permits etc? or are you just expected to turn and start working?

also, i dont intend on living in HK for the rest of my life...i just want to work there temporarily (say 2 years max). it probably wouldn't be wise to say this to the employer? (as they might want people more permanent?) or is it beter to be straight up?

meanreversion, theres no chance of transferring to hk, singapore or the US as the bank i work for, thought large and international, is more concentrated in the emerging markets, otherwise yes, i would have gone for a transfer too i think.

I was in Hong Kong 4 moths ago and thought it was wicked and a international mortgage broking job just popped up. My missus is out in Switzerland with her work 4 days a week and she is gonna transfer over to HK next year. I have 1 more interview to see if i get the job but they organise the visa and put you up in a hotel for 2 weeks while you find a place to live. If i go im gonna get a serviced apartment as there are loads out there and they are fully furmnished and cleaned every week. When the wife gets over we will probably get a normal flat. Apparently you cant just go out and get a visa and a job any more. When i was there they had a huge expat community. Look on google and you will loads of forums giving advise and even some people offering employment.

All the best

I was in Hong Kong 4 moths ago and thought it was wicked and a international mortgage broking job just popped up. My missus is out in Switzerland with her work 4 days a week and she is gonna transfer over to HK next year. I have 1 more interview to see if i get the job but they organise the visa and put you up in a hotel for 2 weeks while you find a place to live. If i go im gonna get a serviced apartment as there are loads out there and they are fully furmnished and cleaned every week. When the wife gets over we will probably get a normal flat. Apparently you cant just go out and get a visa and a job any more. When i was there they had a huge expat community. Look on google and you will loads of forums giving advise and even some people offering employment.

All the best


cheers ged, best of luck with the interviews mate and the move too

gooseman, 8to 8 is a 12 hour day! thats no joke brother
I'm Chinese (my parents are from HK but I'm born in UK) and ive been to HK many times. Can I just say that yes the working hours are typically longer than those in the UK. I think this is due to the type of culture in HK. People seem to be driven by money and the constant desire to earn a decent living alot over there, and when you consider the fact that HK is such a small place but its sooooo over populated you cant really blame them. Im pretty sure that your salary will be lower in HK compared to the UK, but thats offset by the lower standard of living and lower living costs, but since you say that its the idea of travelling that excites you im sure that wont be a problem.
Thanks for all the help fellas

Ged, did you get the job in HK?

Hi David,

Yes got the job and have been out here for nearly 2 months now.
Absolutely love the place and the atmosphere here. I was on the beach
last Sunday as its 20 minutes away getting a suntan. Its work hard and
play hard and definately about earning the money. Are you looking at coming
over as its awash with the big banks out here and they employ loads.
Did you get the job you were aiming for.

Ged 🙂
ged, sounds like youre having a brilliant time mate - hope it continues

no, i didnt get that job but i managed to get a new job in the UK

..but im still applying to different things abroad.

i'd still be too scared to drop everything, move there and then look for a job though so i think applying from here is my only option for now (unless i make a killing at this new job - that wud let me save up enough to risk moving abroad!)
ged, sounds like youre having a brilliant time mate - hope it continues

no, i didnt get that job but i managed to get a new job in the UK

..but im still applying to different things abroad.

i'd still be too scared to drop everything, move there and then look for a job though so i think applying from here is my only option for now (unless i make a killing at this new job - that wud let me save up enough to risk moving abroad!)


Youre better just getting your CV over to recruitment agencies over in HK and some banks will pay for your flights and hotels to interview you. Better still send your CV straight to the HR of the banks and ask them to forward it to the head of the department you work in. Out here its a lot of who you know in what bank that gets the job.
