Wireless and Centrino


Established member
Hi all,

Merry Xmas!

Hope somebody can help me out here.

I have a Laptop with Centrino processor and use it to connect to broadband internet thru AOL.

I have recently purchased an XDA2s pda which has built-in Wireless LAN capabilities.

The problem, I don't know how to get the pda to connect to the laptop using these functionalities. I've been told it can be done and that I should be able to then surf thru the pda, but haven't got a clue how to do it.

Would anyone know? Any help would beb greatly appreciated.

Many thanks in advance....
Are you running with a Wireless Access Point to connect the laptop to your ADSL connection?
Thanks for your quick responce Kardinal

No, I use a USB connected broadband modem for internet thru laptop.
The answer is still yes, but not so straight forward. You will need to configure your Laptop and PDA to use 'Peer' wireless networking. However this will only enable the PDA to connect to the laptop as a network device. If you want to then browse the internet with the PDA, you will have to configure the laptop to act as a router. I'm not 100% sure that you can even do this type of routing with a USB modem. Your easiest approach is to look at investing in a Wireless Access Point (there are dozens of models to choose from and are becoming very inexpensive) and many now come with integrated ADSL modems. If you are not comfortable with configuring network setups, then I would suggest the Access Point route.
Out of my depth here but just a thought, isn't there a feature on XP to allow connection sharing, therefore as long as you can network the PDA to the laptop you should be able to share it's connection.
I think you are right... ICS does run as a form of Proxy server. However I have never used it and can offer no advice on setting it up with a USB modem. There should be plenty of info on Microsofts website or do a Google search...
hmmm - still confused

I've done microsoft and google searches - just don't understand the lingo

How abt this - would u guys or anybody else know how to at least get the 2 talking/connected. Surely it's possible to connect the pda to the laptop without wire using the wi-fi stuff? Maybe once that is done, I can take it further... Any ideas on how to do this....

Again, many thanks for your assistance....
You will have to configure ICS on the Laptop though it doesn't always work with USB Broadband.

I've seen this done sucessfully through a Wireless Access Point connected directly to the NIC in the Laptop.

However why don't you spend £50 on a ADSL Router with Wireless?

I can recommend the LinkSys equiptment.

You should be able to connect the PDAs with Wireless.

Have you set up the SSID and WEP identically?
Have you set the adaptors to the same channel as you have no access point to bind to?
Have you set up your IP addresses in the same subnet?

However this won't give you Internet access but will allow file sharing...

thanks jonnyt et al

hmmm - i haven't got a clue whatcha talking about - however, if all of u r sure I can't wirelessly access the internet without a wireless router, then I'll leave it at that.

There isn't any dire need to share files this way - activesync is fine for that.

But, once again peeps, many thanks for all your help..