Wired or wireless broadband for trading?



i use wired broadband. The idea of wireless broadband is something that (for no reason) I have prejudged as being potentially unreliable and therefore unsuiitable for trading.

I do prefer the idea of physical cables connecting adsl, as opposed to radio frequencies.

But is there any difference now in the reliability of wired and wireless broadband, or are they equal?

Thanks a lot

jtrader said:

i use wired broadband. The idea of wireless broadband is something that (for no reason) I have prejudged as being potentially unreliable and therefore unsuiitable for trading.

I do prefer the idea of physical cables connecting adsl, as opposed to radio frequencies.

But is there any difference now in the reliability of wired and wireless broadband, or are they equal?

Thanks a lot


Hi JT,

Not sure about the reliability of wireless, because I never got it to work!
I had a professional in to install wireless. On his third attempt be brought a router with a 1/2 mile range, but it couldn't pick up the signal in our second office. (about 30 metres away!!)
I ended up having to hard wire around the outside of the house, but it works.
My experience is that wireless signals just don't get through solid walls!
Wireless can be fine but I have used it for the kids computers and mine is directly attached to the router.

It does like line of sight and some wall materials will really damage the signal. Tricks with parabolic reflectors can improve things quite dramatically though.
Thanks chaps

it is definately sonding like wires still rule!

As seen as wires are no inconvenience to me, i see no good reason to consider wireless.
Wireless is fine when the line of sight is relatively unrestricted. However I have had occasions when the connection drops for no apparent reason.

With the importance of having a stable connection during trading being paramount, wired is and will continue to be my connection of choice.
I've got my PC directly connected and a laptop I sometimes use around the house (and garden!) wirelessly. I've never had a connection/reliability problem, but the one thing to watch is that the advertised claims for range aren't anything like reality, even with line of sight, let alone before you stick walls and things in the way of the signal. If you've a large-ish house, or have stone walls or similar, you'll need to think carefully about where you put the router, or go for a more complicated solution to ensure full coverage. The other thing I could never get to work was the protection software that stops other people using or hacking your connection, but given where I live it's not a problem - the signal range doesn't extend past the boundaries. If I still lived in London I'd definitely want that sorted.

EDIT: Just seen your reply JTrader - if you don't need wireless, then don't bother - it can only be one more thing to possibly go wrong!
jtrader said:

i use wired broadband. The idea of wireless broadband is something that (for no reason) I have prejudged as being potentially unreliable and therefore unsuiitable for trading.

I do prefer the idea of physical cables connecting adsl, as opposed to radio frequencies.

But is there any difference now in the reliability of wired and wireless broadband, or are they equal?

Thanks a lot



i am wireless all the time. lately my router has been playing tricks to me. my only concern would be that, otherwise, it is brilliant

Hi Jt

I have 2 laptops, and up until a month ago were permanently connected via extra longs cables, so that I could use them anywhere in the house. I then upgraded to a wireless BT Home Hub and the connection is near perfect. The hub is tucked away neatly out of sight in a kitchen cupboard, and the laptops work anywhere in the house. I can see 2 or 3 other wireless networks but I'm confident of the security not to worry. Both laptops are in use from 8am until 9pm every working day. One of my laptops is an old Pentium 3, with a mere 192MB of Ram, but it works perfectly well with a Buffalo Wireless lan card, which also detects if someone else tries to connect to my network!

However, I agree with the others - if it isn't necessary, then don't bother. If it ain't broke, don't fix it!

Happy Trading!
jtrader said:

i use wired broadband. The idea of wireless broadband is something that (for no reason) I have prejudged as being potentially unreliable and therefore unsuiitable for trading.

I do prefer the idea of physical cables connecting adsl, as opposed to radio frequencies.

But is there any difference now in the reliability of wired and wireless broadband, or are they equal?

Thanks a lot


Hi JT,

I know we spoke on another thread about wireless, but I may as well add my comment here as well.

I only ever use a wireless laptop for trading, whether that be at local Hotspots or at home.

I have never had a problem with it at all and would whole-heartedly recommend it. There's something quite plush about trading in your garden during the summer weather !


Wireless is as reliable as the wireless cards themselves. My laptop has an onboard wireless, and when it heats up or is very active, the wireless can drop off. Then I run to my wired machine which is also running trading software in the adjacent room. I prefer wired too, but there is nothing really wrong with wireless.

(my wireless issues could be caused by a buggy linux driver)
I am ethernet in the office but at home everything is wireless and I have not had a problem with it in 4 years. I think the main risk is not in the wireless connection but in the ISP. Cheap options like Tiscali, for example, are a big risk. Better to get a good service from Demon or BT Business.
Not a lot you can do about the health risks unless you want to go live in the middle of nowhere. Sure there are many greater risks in daily life.