Agony Aunt Replies...
Thanks Tar, I'm struggling because the guys I used to trade with used to clock $1m a month. I am struggling to reach that target, at 500-1k it is just a living, but to be a successful trader versus a struggling trader I think you need to be operating at $1m a month. Which I have seen being done consistently by a 19 year old kid believe it or not.
Dear Strugglingtrader,
I have read though your previous posts on T2W. Based on those, please allow me to assess your situation and offer some suggestions:
You claim in excess of 15-19 years experience in financial markets (across: sales, asset mgmt, hedge funds and prop firms, in the roles of: institutional trader, prop trader, day trader, quant analyst, investment manager, capital investor - to name but a few). Based on that wealth of experience you have chosen spread-betting...
You then claim ongoing returns of 50-100%+ pcm (600%-1200%+ pa) based on your £10k spread-bet account. However you are dis-satisfied with this, as your friends net £1 million pcm (£12 million pa); leaving you feeling somewhat inadequate.
Furthermore, you also have no idea whether you are liable for tax, and thus have participated in threads here to seek advice, leading you to the conclusion that leaving the country might offer you the best tax-avoidance scheme.
In summary, having lost the last of your many City jobs, you feel financially vulnerable, and somewhat of a piker when it comes to trading size.
You state that you have no additional income aside from trading (but later forget this, stating you have £20k pa BTL income). You also highlight your relatively small trading account (but later forget this, stating that you have raised £400 million from one of the world's largest sovereign wealth funds).
I would suggest that your £20k income might pay the bills while you top up your spread-bet account with the £400 million. Assuming that the Chinese/UAE governments have rescinded you their offer of £0.4bn, I would remain unperturbed. A back-of-fag-packet calculation shows that compounding your £10k at present rates will allow you to be added to the UK Sunday Times Rich List (min £100 million net worth) within 3 years.
I would ask that when you reach this point, you inform me prior to placing your Dax spread-bets - only your bet-size will exceed the entire daily volume on Eurex and so I'd like to get my orders in first if that's ok with you.
I think you're going to fit in very well here at T2W.
Good luck.
Source Info:
I've been in an out of trading for the last 15 years, as a sales trader, hedge fund and a day trader at a US prop firm...for the last 15 years I've just been a sales guy...When I was let go at x-mas I had no where to go, so I started spread betting. It's going alright now and I'm wondering if I will have to pay tax if it keeps going well (£5-10k per month on total capital of £10k) or is it all just tax free?
I've actually been very successful as a quant analyst, day trader and most recently raising very large sums of money ($£400m from one of the largest swf)...I would be grateful for any guidance...Also if I were to move offshore to a tax free jurisdiction, wouldn't then all the profits I make from spread betting be tax free?
It is my only source of income...Just want to clarify that I'm a "Strugglingtrader"...I've had three tough trades in the last couple of months which I was able to "wiggle" my way out of but I am still "struggling" to manage the risk, hopefully I'll get there
I have been day dreaming sometimes that if things stay this way I would like to manage money as I have been in investment management since 1996, but I ended my dream by concluding that I can just manage my own money without the regulatory headaches. I don't feel a need to report to the tax authorities if it isn't required, I'm just wondering if an income of £20,000 a year from other sources (BTL) will be accepted by the tax authorities against an income of potentially £200k from spread trading?