why would i " still need training "..?? i was " trained " by Merrill Lynch and worked at the LIFFE for 4 years - that was in the late 80s u stoopid fool... !!
i also worked for Barings for 2 years before that prick Leeson destroyed the bank and the other 1500 plus careers...
ive LOST more $$ than youve ever made/seen in your entire miserable life u sad dreamer... !!
how are those spelling lessons coming on by the way..?? u getting there yep..?? 😛
Its weird when people with really bad grammar insult others english skills.
Yes, i'm a 'sad dreamer'; It would be such a crime at 18 to have any ambition or dreams, i always have the option of doing nothing for the rest of my life and then one day coming on a forum to boast about how i lost money on the LIFFE exchange.
If you've lost more money than i've ever seen, then i can only conclude; Once again that i'm a better trader than you... If however you meant MADE and the moderators changed it; then you must be lieing because your getting yourself worked up about losing a few thousand or a few hundred thousand to TCA via a scam and ultimately an individual who makes so much money would see such a scam as only a 'Mmmm thats slightly annoying, moving on'.
In life, anyone with ambition or a dream must start somewhere; I find it weird that you deem that as a bad thing, i can only guess its due to the bitterness you feel having dreamt yourself of such success but only found failure.
Correct me if i'm wrong...
Having only been legally allowed to trade the markets for less than 1 year... Its not exactly talented to have made more money in trading starting in the 1980's... You've probably done about 100,000 trades...
Lost 10 million and made 10 million - Still breakeven... So yes, i guess you have made more money than me, i however have probably kept more money than you in my short period of trading
'Prefered direct access broker: Ig Markets' hahahaha