Who agree's? Momentum divergence is the only leading indicator.


Junior member
Hello everyone. I have been developing a strategy for the last year revolving around trading multilple points of divergence using any oscillator of choice. I was just wondering who ( that daytrade ES,fx, etc successfully) somehow institute divergence into their trading strategy. Divergence is discussed very rarely among traders. Is it because momentum-price divergence is the only leading indicator in the market. is it because it is a powerful tool and they dont want many people looking into it. Who thinks mutliple points of divergence coupled the price tagging outside of a bollinger band a strong signal???
thanks all for any feedback..👍
yep, divergence can be very powerful but I haven't yet found that Momentum is necessarily any better than say, RSI or MACD divergence.
If I had to plum for one indicator only for divergence, I guess it would have to be the little known "inertia"

with regards to price closing outside of BB, are you talking about it signalling a reversal or a continuation ?
I use closes outside the Keltner Channel, somewhat similar to BBs, to look for potential price reversals, mostly as an exit signal to an existing trade.
Trading divergences, without analysing Support (Demand)/Resistance (Supply), Trend Characteristics and Price Action etc, is like walking with a blindfold on.

BBMAC's threads are highly recommended.
Thank you guys for the info. I will check out his posts. What I am trying to do is to trade in the direction of a bigger time frame trend, while looking for divergence in the direction of the trend on a smaller time frame trigger chart. Has anyone tried using the trix or %b indicator oscillators for measuring momentum and price divergecnce???
Thanks again!!
Choppy Sideways and divergence

I'll use this old thread because I thought divergence may be of help to those who suffer in sideways choppy markets.
The indicators are stochs setting 144 and 233 both at slow 13 and D of 3 for the 233 and 5 for the 144. OB/OS areas are 90/10 for 144 and 85/15 for 233. These are specific settings for the 4hr charts.
All trendlines on indicators are started in the OB and OS areas.
All items marked 1 – 5 are the indicator following the price as is item 7.
Items marked 6 and 8 are hidden divergence and buy divergence respectively.
The item 8 is huge in comparison with 6 (the angles are the obvious clue).
This is one way to assess the end of a choppy period and the beginning of a trend.
Obviously this means that a manual chart management using trendline traps is necessary but I hope this helps.
Happy New Year


  • USDJPYH4 choppy.png
    USDJPYH4 choppy.png
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I'll use this old thread because I thought divergence may be of help to those who suffer in sideways choppy markets.
The indicators are stochs setting 144 and 233 both at slow 13 and D of 3 for the 233 and 5 for the 144. OB/OS areas are 90/10 for 144 and 85/15 for 233. These are specific settings for the 4hr charts.
All trendlines on indicators are started in the OB and OS areas.
All items marked 1 – 5 are the indicator following the price as is item 7.
Items marked 6 and 8 are hidden divergence and buy divergence respectively.
The item 8 is huge in comparison with 6 (the angles are the obvious clue).
This is one way to assess the end of a choppy period and the beginning of a trend.
Obviously this means that a manual chart management using trendline traps is necessary but I hope this helps.
Happy New Year


An excellent example on a 4 hr chart and with the UJ for this last year.

With you use mentioning angles - do you use ray lines at all with your trendlines at OB and OS points ? - maybe even on 30 or 60 min charts as they can help the daily changes etc - allowing better RR's or assisting with pyramiding and peeling if you are a longer term trader

Good Trading and I hope you have a great 2015


Hello everyone. I have been developing a strategy for the last year revolving around trading multilple points of divergence using any oscillator of choice. I was just wondering who ( that daytrade ES,fx, etc successfully) somehow institute divergence into their trading strategy. Divergence is discussed very rarely among traders. Is it because momentum-price divergence is the only leading indicator in the market. is it because it is a powerful tool and they dont want many people looking into it. Who thinks mutliple points of divergence coupled the price tagging outside of a bollinger band a strong signal???
thanks all for any feedback..👍

lets be honest .......none of us have the slightest idea what a market is going to do next.............all we do is assess the historic behaviour and extrapolate based on these machinations ........😎

you can either then

1) assume a historic price direction will continue (trend)
2) assume a historic price direction will reverse
3) or assume price will fade into neutrality mode

most people are hunting 1).........and theres a million tools to do that.........but as mentioned .....its still all a % game ..............

good hunting


An excellent example on a 4 hr chart and with the UJ for this last year.

With you use mentioning angles - do you use ray lines at all with your trendlines at OB and OS points ? - maybe even on 30 or 60 min charts as they can help the daily changes etc - allowing better RR's or assisting with pyramiding and peeling if you are a longer term trader

Good Trading and I hope you have a great 2015


Hi Forexmospherian,
Yes, when I used to scalp, I used trendlines (traps I call them) on both screen and on the indicators. However just like offline, all timeframe charts need to have specific settings for them so one 'fit-all' template is not something that can be transferred from one TF to another.
Using traps based on OB and OS areas of indicators is a low risk high reward strategy but as I am retired now I only have this as a hobby whereas previously it was my occupation. I'm currently applying my scalping experience to all timeframe charts (and particularly offline charts) looking for a better RR for a pal who is trading my capital so I fully understand why the question was asked.
Regarding angles - generally if there is a disparity on screen and on the indicator then this is a good sign for a 'springboard' trade, one where the price moves faster than usual.
I'll look again at these type of trades over the next couple of weeks to see if there is a recognisable pattern, given a set template, and I'll let you know. However, it is far, far easier and safer to trade offline than it is to trade TF charts.