Which Platforms For Spreads?


Active member
Hi people, having had an epiphany regarding my own discovery of Spread Trading and the insights and secrecy regarding it goading me like an ever ringing mobile, Im chomping at he bit to know more about your setup because Spread trading is not very well covered by the Retail platforms.. tends to be more professional & perhaps obscure:
Let me make it easier for yall.. Much obliged

Add-ons used:
# Screens Used:
Quality of platform and fees:
The downside:
Overall Score out of 10:

Add-ons used:
# Screens Used:
Quality of platform and fees:
The downside:
Overall Score out of 10:

Add-ons used:
# Screens Used:
Quality of platform and fees:
The downside:
Overall Score out of 10:

Broker: IB
Software: TWS
Add-ons used: Excel for tracking performance
# Screens Used: 2 @ 1600x1200
Quality of platform and fees: 8 (dead cheap and powerful)
The downside: No autospreading feature for inter-market, diff. exchanges etc.
Overall Score out of 10: 7
CMC Spreadbet

I've not been engaged in sb for quite some time and just noticed today that CMC seemed to have widened the spread between bid and ask quite a bit. It used to be about 1p or half of a p for UK liquid shares and 5 cents for US liquid shares (e.g., Citigroup (C), now 9 cents spread).

What happened? Is it due to recent volatility or has it been like that for some time. If latter is the case, it is harder to make money even swinging trading. Any active traders know?


Hi people, having had an epiphany regarding my own discovery of Spread Trading and the insights and secrecy .. to know more about your setup because Spread trading is not very well covered by the Retail platforms.. tends to be more professional & perhaps obscure:
Broker: Assisted Broker
Software: no offline software needed.
Add-ons used: Safari, Internet Explorer, or Firefox
Screens Used: One laptop screen at a time, or iphone
Quality of platform and fees: none
The downside: none
The upside: You will never miss a trade because your computer is down.
Overall Score out of 10: Ten would be if it was all automated. I still have to click.

Ok look. Trading seasonal spreads depends a lot about building a position near the initial thrust. This comes about when the market changes its mind about the direction of the trend. Will it follow the pattern or not. When it gets the technical signals (bullish stochastic divergence, parabolic switch, and box-breaks out). Internet forces built into the market tend to reinforce these technical indicators strengthening the trend.

You know what spreads to watch from what you watched the previous year. You can find suggestions for these trades on the web. Using an online chart service you can monitor your chart patterns on upcoming spreads. No software needed. In trading spreads it is a good idea to use a real living broker who has experience in spread trading. One saved trade can save you a years commissions. So no platform needed. A Laptop or an iphone can access all of the above. Orders can be sent from anywhere, at anytime to your spread broker by email.

As the season progresses your job is primarily position sizing. How many to buy, sell or hold and how soon.
I've not been engaged in sb for quite some time and just noticed today that CMC seemed to have widened the spread between bid and ask quite a bit. It used to be about 1p or half of a p for UK liquid shares and 5 cents for US liquid shares (e.g., Citigroup (C), now 9 cents spread).

What happened? Is it due to recent volatility or has it been like that for some time. If latter is the case, it is harder to make money even swinging trading. Any active traders know?


Maybe you were looking at out of hours prices ie when the spreads are wider?

However just checked cap spreads and financialspreads.com and the Barclays spread is 1p as you’d expect and Microsoft are 5 cents, Citigroup have got a 4 cent spread.

Perhaps a new and strange cmc policy? Perhaps they’re playing it safe? Either way the other companies haven’t reacted like that.
Why are people talking about spread betting spreads in a spreads discussion forum - two very different things!