which kind of internet access for trading.


Hi there,

I used to have hardwired broadband access via the phone line for end of day trading,
and am wondering if there are any traders out there operating on a mobile dongle.
I will not be trading live markets (yet - I imagine you would not have the speed required for live streaming with a dongle),but just looking at charts and trading platforms.

As they say,you only need a computer and internet access to trade any where in the world,but will a dongle get you there? (as you can't take the phone line with you!)
EOD would work with pretty much everything.

Dongles can have tremendous speed these days for mobile - 3g where I am has 7.2megabit download speed.

That being said, latency (time for a signal to round trip) sucks compared to landbased (DSL, cable), so as everyonerich said, extreme short term trades are possibly not possible - scalping is out in a very short interval ;)
If you are placing OSO orders with your exit orders defined and you are swing trading, then any type of connection will be fine.
ADSL is best for normal trading, but it is very handy to have a dongle as backup in case your ISP goes down at an inconvenient time. (if your ISP goes down you can bet it will be at a *very* inconvenient time!)