Which broker to choose to start ?


Hi everyone, I would like to start trading, mostly spreadbetting and CFDs trading, but where is the best place to begin ? I mean which is the best broker (the most reliable, the most honest and the one which provide the best software) to open an account and begin to earn some money ?
i ask this question cause I read lot's of testimonials (but no real and absolute proofs, as anyone can told bad things about any broker on a forum just to make potential customers don't open an account) about unfair brokers (there is a lot on these forums like about GCI/saxo/finspreads for example) and I'm confused on which one to choose. I have alose tried some online trading platform like GCI, Saxo/E-trade/mybroker, capital spreads, IG index, and I find the one from GCI is one the mose complete and the best one available except that they use a complicated and not so obvious, to me of course, point value system which lead to don't know exactly how much money I could risk on a trade before doing it.

So, to be short, I would like to start trading, with a little amount of money to begin, like 500 to 2000 € max, which broker will you recommend to me ? (please add as much details as possible and give proof of what you say).

Thank to all people who will reply.
It all depends what you want to trade really. Im still demo trading but have stayed away in general from all the bucket shops and spreadbetting sites as with my skill level i dont think i have what it takes to beat them and the market just yet.

I did put a small amout with 1 of them just to see what everyone was saying and to find out that it was true even with the small amount that i put in.

There are some traders on here with good trading skills and others who have been in the markets quite a while and who know what they are doing that will use the spread trading sites for the tax free status but from what i gather they are not daytrading but either swing or position trading.

If your trading futures for good charting and excellent platform as well as low margins i'd have a look at Openecry. This is the platform im demo trading and up to now it looks good and you can even trade FTSE futures if you want.

Ninja trader has a good Demo platform if you feed it with free info from Opentick.

Im sure others will add some more but in the meantime just use the search facility and you will find a wealth of valuable info.

Happy Trading
so where exactly do you find brokers at? Online? in the City? Banks?

I just find some brokers online with help of search engine, looking for keywords CFD trading for example, or spread betting, and also with the list of brokers provided by trade2win.
No one is going to do your trading for you

Hi everyone, I would like to start trading, mostly spreadbetting and CFDs trading, but where is the best place to begin ? I mean which is the best broker (the most reliable, the most honest and the one which provide the best software) to open an account and begin to earn some money ?
i ask this question cause I read lot's of testimonials (but no real and absolute proofs, as anyone can told bad things about any broker on a forum just to make potential customers don't open an account) about unfair brokers (there is a lot on these forums like about GCI/saxo/finspreads for example) and I'm confused on which one to choose. I have alose tried some online trading platform like GCI, Saxo/E-trade/mybroker, capital spreads, IG index, and I find the one from GCI is one the mose complete and the best one available except that they use a complicated and not so obvious, to me of course, point value system which lead to don't know exactly how much money I could risk on a trade before doing it.

So, to be short, I would like to start trading, with a little amount of money to begin, like 500 to 2000 € max, which broker will you recommend to me ? (please add as much details as possible and give proof of what you say).

Thank to all people who will reply.


You are asking an open-ended, very subjective, and actually, very difficult question that doesn't have a single answer. A question that has also been asked ad nauseum.

Spend a bit more time searching this web site and the web, and then come back with some specific questions rather than barge in here and ask for (or should that be demand?) an info dump with what is your first post here. The question has been asked (and answered) many, many times. Comments have been made about some of the brokers you mention and you should with a little effort be able to make a decision if any of them suit you.

This will require some effort on your part, but realize that no one here or anywhere online actually owes you anything. If someone chooses to answer, it's entirely voluntary. Also, why on earth should anyone here have to prove anything to you? This is a decision that you have to make for yourself. Most of the information you need to make it, is already available.

Good luck with your trading career.