Where to buy a profitable Expert Advisor?

Jake Tapper

I'm trying to buy a robot and I am sick of being nervous in front of a monitor. Any advice?
I tried to use a free robot: it works stable but it is not enough profit for me.
If somebody wants it write me to [email protected] and Ill give you the link.
I wish I had a robot that brought me a big profit from the very first day.
Do they exist at all? Is it worth it if all of them trade like free ones?
If significantly profitable EAs existed then there ought to be plenty of ''rich'' traders out there or plenty of ''poor'' brokers, or brokers who disallow automated trading. I don't see any evidence of either.
As above.

No one with a brain is going to go around selling these things to non institutional types for all kinds of reasons.

Nevertheless, on markets that genuinely trend occasionally, such as foreign exchange or interest rate futures or most commodities, a simple moving average cross will work, believe it or not. Just be prepared for lots of drawdowns, possibly lasting years.

I believe that there are currently profitable betfair trading robots on sale at reasonable prices. However, their lifetime is obviously limited...
i will sell you one. past results are not an indication of future results.

or you could spend a few years totaly dedicated and learn to trade like the rest of us!
Excuse me
what is "betfair trading"?

Trading on betfair. Loads of different ways of doing it but as a simple imagine (of what I mean - NOT a sensible strategy without knowledge) just sit on the back and lay of something not moving and capture the spread.

Anyhow... although they are getting more efficient every day there are still automated systems that work, I am led to believe. But do your own research and don't ****ing sue me, thanks 😛
i though the same thing on robotraders guys but i have been pleasantly surprised by the forex police robot. they call it 'fpd project 1' I have been runnin it on their virtual server for over a year and it has shown profits of over 6,000 pips... genuine! it trades on GBP/JPY daily. its a swing type trader. i wont post link but im sure if you google search you'll find them. also, they offer it free for a fortnight. bonus!!!!
Marry one mate
There are plenty East of the Rhine
Mit jackboots und ......................
Write to the BBC and see if you could purchase one of their old daleks from the Doctor Who set ?

I'm sure they still have some in stock.

It shouldn't be too difficult to reprogram one of these to trade for you.
. even if the demo works out going live tends to give different results due to requotes, unfilled orders, repainting indicators etc.

there are lots of free eas about which might make money if you know when to turn them off. better off using the money you would pay for one to find a strat that works.

imo there are no 24hr eas that can work because there are possible 6 conditions in a day. ie trending and ranging [2] and 3 different sessions or 2 x3 = 6. these 6 can then be multiplied by the possible time frames used 1, 5m 15m 30m 1hr 2hr 4hr 8hr 1 day etc. no 1 ea can handle all of that.

markets are unstable fictions [some might say hallucinations] that change as the players change.

from my research an ea might have a chance on a very tight specific trigger that is one session and condition and time frame specific. which might mean you might only get 2 trades a week. but then that is what ea's are for. to do the waiting.

its only when you try to write the flowchart for an ea that you realise even defining what a trend is so a computer can understand it highlights the limitations.

from my research the best ea relate to price numbers rather than repainting chart indicators etc.

imo if money must change hands then hiring a programmer [who understand trading] to code a simple ea would make more sense than a black box sold by a site out to make sales that cannot be fine tuned.
i though the same thing on robotraders guys but i have been pleasantly surprised by the forex police robot. they call it 'fpd project 1' I have been runnin it on their virtual server for over a year and it has shown profits of over 6,000 pips... genuine! it trades on GBP/JPY daily. its a swing type trader. i wont post link but im sure if you google search you'll find them. also, they offer it free for a fortnight. bonus!!!!

This may be what you are talking about

1. Instant Forex Email Alerts

To receive our Instant Forex Email Alerts, subscription is costed at £50 per month. As with any Forex Police product, there is no contract or hidden fees. We operate a simple Pay to Play policy. For example, if you pay for Forex Alerts on February 15th, your subscription will be renewed on March 15th. If you cancel between this date frame, you will stop receiving alerts on March 16th.

More Information on Instant Forex Email Alerts

2. FPD Project 1 - Automated Forex Trading Software

FPD Project 1 operates on a licence basis priced at £50 per month. FPD Project 1 is linked to a persons IBFX trading account and must be renewed each month through our Members Lounge.

FPD Project 1 is linked to a persons IBFX trading account for security reasons only. This is to prevent illegal distribution of our product. One further security feature is FPD Project 1 cease trading at the following month end if a participant cancels his or her subscription.

FPD Project 1 premium software can be downloaded for £500. This edition is the complete software which does not require a monthly download.

There was a site that you could hire a winning system out of a big selection. If you like I could have a look for it ?? let me know
i though the same thing on robotraders guys but i have been pleasantly surprised by the forex police robot. they call it 'fpd project 1' I have been runnin it on their virtual server for over a year and it has shown profits of over 6,000 pips... genuine! it trades on GBP/JPY daily. its a swing type trader. i wont post link but im sure if you google search you'll find them. also, they offer it free for a fortnight. bonus!!!!

Thanks for the suggestion. Do you trade their signals as well? I just signed up with Forex Trade Alarms and am demoing their signals currently. Currently, 290 pips up for last month, with a few open trades today. I would be interested to know if the Police people are reliable and profitable with their signals. I am not a fan of robots anymore...
Thanks for the suggestion. Do you trade their signals as well? I just signed up with Forex Trade Alarms and am demoing their signals currently. Currently, 290 pips up for last month, with a few open trades today. I would be interested to know if the Police people are reliable and profitable with their signals. I am not a fan of robots anymore...

The main reason EA's don't work is cause people don't know how to use them. I don't use them personally but I know the systems I trade with could easily be put into an EA and would perform profitably. They would need to be tweaked based on market conditions after awhile and if they weren't, they'd eventually become unprofitable. For this reason, only the person who invented the system or completely understands it, can continue to be profitable with it.

You need to do routine maintenance on your strategies, like changing the oil on your car. You may still have a lot of miles left if you'd just make a few adjustments.
I've promised a hospital that I will do a bunch of heart transplants next week, the pay is great, but I've never done any surgery or been to medical school, anyone know where I can learn to do the transplant's by next week?
I can only manage about an hour a night, so it has to be a quick lesson, none of that "years of hard work" crap.

P.S after the heart's, I'm going to do a brain transplant on Jake Tapper, as the one he has at the moment is not really working very well.
I've promised a hospital that I will do a bunch of heart transplants next week, the pay is great, but I've never done any surgery or been to medical school, anyone know where I can learn to do the transplant's by next week?
I can only manage about an hour a night, so it has to be a quick lesson, none of that "years of hard work" crap.

P.S after the heart's, I'm going to do a brain transplant on Jake Tapper, as the one he has at the moment is not really working very well.

It is a hard lesson. No one is trying to slam you here, but you're looking for the holy grail, just using the term 'EA' instead.

You'll get there, if you put your time into the right place. Don't sit up all night looking for profitable EA's. Sit up all night looking for ways to analyze the market yourself. FA, TA, or just good ol' T'n'A lol
I'm trying to buy a robot and I am sick of being nervous in front of a monitor. Any advice?
I tried to use a free robot: it works stable but it is not enough profit for me.
If somebody wants it write me to [email protected] and Ill give you the link.
I wish I had a robot that brought me a big profit from the very first day.
Do they exist at all? Is it worth it if all of them trade like free ones?

Jake it took me about 72 hours of studying to learn mql4. If you have any coding background, sit down and learn it, one little step at a time. Once you understand it, you can rip apart everyone else's code to make a system, or you can code your own.

I've tried both and now I can view the code of an EA to look for any dangerous or stupid activity. Sometimes they will leave a hundred trades open. Sometimes they have no stop loss, you can't really trust others.

I found an EA with a good base and added my own info in. I am happy with my progress so far and it didn't take that long.

Good luck, learn that code! Plenty of kind people on T2W to help also!