where i can open an account?


Dear guys,
I know it's abit off topic but I'm new and it's been hard looking through the vast forums to get recommendation on Spreadbet companies or direct ???

I am looking to trade minis like the S&P 500 / Russell 2000.
Kindly recommend where i can open an account.
Of course, leave out any dodgy ones please.... Large stable company with tight spread/commission preferred.
Then im gona get a demo.

In FX most brokers/market makers provide their trading platform+charting.
Is this not the case with Indexes? I need to separately get them?

Cheers, & much appreciated.
Dear guys,
I know it's abit off topic but I'm new and it's been hard looking through the vast forums to get recommendation on Spreadbet companies or direct ???

I am looking to trade minis like the S&P 500 / Russell 2000.
Kindly recommend where i can open an account.
Of course, leave out any dodgy ones please.... Large stable company with tight spread/commission preferred.
Then im gona get a demo.

In FX most brokers/market makers provide their trading platform+charting.
Is this not the case with Indexes? I need to separately get them?

Cheers, & much appreciated.


I'm going to help you by not giving you the info you feel you need.
Make sense....no.

O.k, You're new to this, have a look around and get the information you need direct from source, ie, try out any broker you feel fit and then try out some others, this way, you'll have an opinion based on your own knowledge, not what others tell you is based on theirs.

As this is only for demo purposes, it would make great sense for you to , as you say, 'demo' the companies out along with your strat.

Welcome to the cruel world of trading.
That's great.
There are companies for stocks, for currencies, for options/warrants, for commodities.. at least gimme some names relevant to Indexes.

That's why i joined this site.. no??? It's not like i am asking for a super strategy.

Furthermore, demos normally work fine until the day u open a live account... but i m still going to demo abit anyway.

Your intention is understood and appreciated but please help.
So far i can only see "IG index", "CMC" or perhaps "WorldSpreads"
Please can someone recommend a good SB company?
I saw Capital Spreads / IG Index and MF Global as recommended here on T2W.
IG & MF seems to be UK based, are there any off the States?

Your kind advise is highly appreciated.
What makes one spreadbet company better over another and for what purposes.

I want to drive so what car do you recommend?

For what, off road, long distance, banger racing...what.

I dont know, try any company then give your experience, thats why people come here, like you say ,to share experiences, open any account then judge for yourself. Then you can give feed back based on your own personal experience and not based on others.

I'm attempting to help you out here by not giving you names and therefor being biased to my own experiences, if you want a name then fine.

Try World Spreads.

Whats the next question, will the dow rally tommorrow? What should I do with this grossly offside position?

The trading game is about finding what works for you, try out different strats along with different brokers, what works for one may not work for another.