Where can I get the quickest access to news


Experienced member

Where can I get the quickest FREE access to the figures from these daily economic news releases?
Obviously, I cannot be there in person when they release it, so where could I look to in order to get the figures ASAP?

Thanks in advance!
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What do you need?

Do you need access to the news posts? or do you need to automatize some actions?

If you only need access to the news posts you could create some twitter lists with the main site of the sector. For example, you could create a twitter list with some of the main authors of forexlive, fxstreet, dailyfx...

Other options could be to follow them by using some RSS readers. There is a bunch of apps that could help you with that.

Let me know if you need some more specific advise!
What do you need?

Do you need access to the news posts? or do you need to automatize some actions?

If you only need access to the news posts you could create some twitter lists with the main site of the sector. For example, you could create a twitter list with some of the main authors of forexlive, fxstreet, dailyfx...

Other options could be to follow them by using some RSS readers. There is a bunch of apps that could help you with that.

Let me know if you need some more specific advise!

This was very helpful mate, thanks.
I did a little reading into RSS readers and that sounds very much like what I want.

I basically trade forex and commodities on a spread bet account. While I don't typically trade the news I am trying it out and apart from needing general information on high importance events (which I go to 2 sites and perhaps twitter for currently) I also would like as close to real time updates with the event as it unfolds. Preferably for free but willing to spend a little.

I would therefore be up to date on current high importance events and in a better position to decide whether to exit an ongoing trade or let it ride. Perhaps even taking up a trade on the event... If I had a one stop shop for the few places I look to find an understanding then that would be fantastic.

When you go to the site you will get a popup notification to allow alerts. Select yes

When news releases come out you will have a notification within a second on the release. I tested this and it works brilliantly (better than sites like fx factory)

Its faster than ransquawk premium

When you go to the site you will get a popup notification to allow alerts. Select yes

When news releases come out you will have a notification within a second on the release. I tested this and it works brilliantly (better than sites like fx factory)

Its faster than ransquawk premium

Wow... I actually use that site on occasion for interest rates and inflation...never noticed that alert section!

Thank you sir!
Wow... I actually use that site on occasion for interest rates and inflation...never noticed that alert section!

Thank you sir!
It isn't a separate section on the site. The site provides notifications and your browser should pick this up and ask your permission. If it doesn't check the help for instructions to enable it.

Where can I get the quickest FREE access to the figures from these daily economic news releases?
Obviously, I cannot be there in person when they release it, so where could I look to in order to get the figures ASAP?

Thanks in advance!

Myfxbook, ransquawk, forexnewsgun and similar.

Its better to learn how interpret specific news, most of the times figures means nothing, you need to see underlying picture.

Where can I get the quickest FREE access to the figures from these daily economic news releases?
Obviously, I cannot be there in person when they release it, so where could I look to in order to get the figures ASAP?

Thanks in advance!

Hi there, you have many options to choose from and there are very good free services if you look around.

Where can I get the quickest FREE access to the figures from these daily economic news releases?
Obviously, I cannot be there in person when they release it, so where could I look to in order to get the figures ASAP?

Thanks in advance!

Forex news gun as an option, but it's only about planned reports, like NFP, economic releases, talking heads. There are lots of times when unexpected news affect markets and you have to be very fast at twitter or similar resources to respond to that information.
There are many forums that provides you some good amount of Forex News in the Forex Market. All you need to do is to have a good amount of researches to find such sites.
Forex Factory is a good option. You also should check it out fxstat and myfxbook. People are very active there.
talking-forex.com - excellent service costing £30/month. I've been using it for several years now. Great value for money.
Following the news is not important, the important part is to understand the short term and long term impact of the news and how markets react after news releases.

How is someone supposed to understand the impact if they don't follow the news? You don't know what you're talking about.
How is someone supposed to understand the impact if they don't follow the news? You don't know what you're talking about.

News sometimes tells nothing as the data or decision can be widely expected, come in line with expectations and doesn't surprise traders. The feature of unexpectedness is what directly determines the impact strength and produces significant movements.
I don't really know if all platforms by brokers does it though, but you can always get quick news from your platforms. It is usually at the bottom of the software environment, providing some information about the latest news update
Following the news is not important, the important part is to understand the short term and long term impact of the news and how markets react after news releases.

I think your close...

It's not the outcome of the news... It's the market layout before the event that matters...

Define where the money is at...

Then use the time of the release to your advantage...

Hope I helped ;)


Where can I get the quickest FREE access to the figures from these daily economic news releases?
Obviously, I cannot be there in person when they release it, so where could I look to in order to get the figures ASAP?

Thanks in advance!

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