When Are We Going 2 Cut the BS?

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I can't help you there mate. Iv'e been guilty of being non-civil in the past. My advice would be......post what you want to, don't bother about the replies. It's all one big curve, don't let it wind you up.
I am new to this board and am quite dismayed at so much negativity about so many things.
Interesting that as someone new to the board you would choose to get embroiled in a raging nonsensical argument. But each to their own.
I am not connected to Simon in any way apart from the fact that I live in Malaysia too and an ex-student of his and have done very well indeed
Dude, there must have been a better way to say that, cause I can assure you it doesn't come over in any way close the the way I am sure it was intended.
I have made 2.5x my capital , I feel very good about that , and I think that very few people can match that kind of return . Believe me I am no newbie trader so I know what is what .
By the third sentence you sound rather familiar.

Now, I genuinely am not connected to Simon, so "As for his statements...." I have read a few of his posts, and whether intended or not he comes across as rude, arrogant, and abusive, All of which serve to undermine any claim he makes to being successful.

Now, Simon,.....er sorry, WCM I don't really know what you seek on these discussion boards, but I will give you the secret of not falling into the same trap he did.
Forget how good you are, or think you are, or how much money you have made, nobody cares. Well actually that is incorrect, there are two groups of people you will encounter who care, group number 1 will have had all sorts of problems trying to make a success of trading and will want you to tell them exactly how it's done, for free of course. When you fail to deliver that, they will set about ripping you apart.
Group number 2 are either more worldly wise, or simply more experienced with discussion boards, they have no illusions that you will give away any free secrets of your livelihood whether you have them or not, so they will set about ripping you apart from the get go.. Any other groups that may exist are of no importance cause they will be swallowed up in the kakstorm you have stirred up around yourself.

But, ultimately how you proceed is up to you.
WCM said:
Hi Rudeboy,

I just wish we could talk in a more productive and civil manner.

Thanks for the words WCM , I am glad you are doing so well , as I thought you would.

I'm afraid you are banging your head on a brick wall , as this board is nowadays full of jealous and bitter people who can't stand that you may have done well and I may have taught you something .

There are a lot of loser wannabes who are here, to you know what their tender little egos and can't stand it if some one real comes along and destroys their fantasies .

I see we have already have few chime in as as expected , and they can't even understand that there are millions of retail traders in our country long before SB was even conceived in UK , let alone small time punters like these guys didn't know the diff between a price spread and their jam spread til a few years back. That apart from the fact that one of the mods has basically OK'ed that you are who you are and I am me .

Gosh , why would you post here ?? You only know me , have taken my course and we have become friends and you even trade actively . Gawd , what possible reason could there be . Surely you don't know how to use the search function??

I suppose he thinks that there are only a handful of people in Malaysia and only 1 of them has heard about T2W .

And on top of that he flatters himself by giving some sort of lecture regarding who's who on the board .

yeah right , as if I really care .

Don't bother replying , last post here . Goodbye.
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Stockjunkie it is odd that WCM and yourself have both posted from an identical IP address. Perhaps you were posting on t2w while training WCM at his home? In the light if this and your continually grating tone I think your (fourth) decision not to post again is a wise one.

It that it, this fantasic proof of 2 years trading is just a city index statement showing a couple of months of trades, not 2 years, and one ambiguous emal stating some profit?

Just who are you trying to con?

Let's suppose your totals below are the truth for now
My winnings from finspreads were $3151 + $3686 ( GBP 2048 x 1.8 approx ) + from CityIndex $1676 (GBP 931 x 1.8 approx ) = total winnings of $ 8513.
Thus my Return on Risk is approx - 5.7 : 1 ( 8513 / 1500 ) .

First of even by your own figures the return is only 5.7:1 and not the 6:1 that you keep ranting about. It is only this figure because you have chosen to take your results over 2 years, your annual return is only half this figure.

This would mean that anyone who make 200% p.a could boast a 10:1 win rate over 5 years, this is totally flawed.

The high of the GBP/USD exchange rate when your credit was withdrawn on the 15/8/01 was about 1.44, this is the real figure to use in your calculations not 1.8, which gives $3686 + $2949 (GBP 2048 x 1.44) and $1340 (GBP 931 x 1.44) = total winnings £7975 / 1500 = 5.3:1

Are you saying that you had 2 accounts, one sterling and one US Dollars, with Finspreads?
If so why and did you risk $1500 in each account? This would halve your profit figures.

The email from Finspreads looks suspiciously like it is just showing the same profit figure in both GBP and USD, not 2 separate winning accounts, do you have anything that can clear this up? I am not sure Finspreads would allow you 2 lines of credit for both a GBP and USD account, not only that I have had an email off them that the FSA rules do not allow people to have more than one account.

People who trade for a living draw money out every month to live on and don't leave the money in their accounts for 2 years just to make the figures look good.

We had a chap on here a couple of months ago called Wisestguy who was also from your country, he kept going on about winning 6:1 and about the need for 2 years results, he also made some offensive posts. Do you know him?

His account went up to 10k and then down to 6k, did you also lose 4k?
And is that why Finspread took away your credit facilities?
If so you can't boast a 5:1 reward/risk ratio, it is only 6:4 = 1.5:1

Your website say's that your results stopped in 2003 and that you are an ex in house trader.

Did you become an ex in house trader in 2003?
and if so why did you become an ex in house trade, was it your choice?

What I can't understand is if your methods are so successful and you were so successful trading $,1000's of other people money, why don't you currently have enough money to trade?

Surely you could just win it, didn't your old company pay performance bonuses or did you end up owing them money?

As I said there are many traders on this site who would be in house traders hands down.
Personally I made 55:1 in just 4 weeks, that is 10 times more than you in 1/24th of the time.

Of course you will say that this is not long term results and ignor the facts, but in that month I started with £200, took out over £4 wages and still had over £7k in the account and did not have to wait 2 years for results to look good.

I'll email you a link to the webpage they are published on.

Thank you for your email below.
Yes WCM he is a nice guy in real life, many people are when they want your money.


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It is really mind boggling to see the sheer number of completely unstable personalities, the total nutters, attracted to trading (and trading discussion boards, as a corollary). People with oversized egos, spoiling for fights, spending their entire life on the internet, claiming how great they are, are not successful traders and will never be, irrespective of their claims. A long-term successful trader would have nothing to prove to an anonymous online audience because he/she will have proved it in the markets. Successful traders wouldn't give a toss about what the rest of the world says about them.

Any exception to these rules, and you can tell that the person is not a profitable trader and will never be. These wackos are losers with other agenda.

Nevertheless, it's great fun to watch people fight, whether on the street or on the internet. Weekends will never be the same again without them.
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OpenMind said:
Nevertheless, it's great fun to watch people fight, whether on the street or on the internet. Weekends will never be the same again without them.

It is very entertaining indeed
You are right that its interesting.

You are wrong that 1) successful traders don't do this and/or 2) they wouldn't give a toss about what the rest of the world says about them and/or 3) that internet behaviour really indicates that someone is a nutter/unstable (as the medium seems to distort the person).

Its a mistake to believe that one can't have many interesting quirks and flaws and still be very successful in a particular endevour. It would also be a mistake to believe that you can tell (for sure) who is and isn't an effective trader from their postings. 😉

OpenMind said:
It is really mind boggling to see the sheer number of completely unstable personalities, the total nutters, attracted to trading (and trading discussion boards, as a corollary). People with oversized egos, spoiling for fights, spending their entire life on the internet, claiming how great they are, are not successful traders and will never be, irrespective of their claims. A long-term successful trader would have nothing to prove to an anonymous online audience because he/she will have proved it in the markets. Successful traders wouldn't give a toss about what the rest of the world says about them.

Any exception to these rules, and you can tell that the person is not a profitable trader and will never be. These wackos are losers with other agenda.

Nevertheless, it's great fun to watch people fight, whether on the street or on the internet. Weekends will never be the same again without them.
LOL. You'd be right to note that I enjoy/get satisfaction from discovering and sometimes pointing out the flaws in anothers arguments. And their screen personas. :cheesy:
frugi said:
Stockjunkie it is odd that WCM and yourself have both posted from an identical IP address. Perhaps you were posting on t2w while training WCM at his home? In the light if this and your continually grating tone I think your (fourth) decision not to post again is a wise one.


WCM , Wong ChunMun has posted a couple of times from the same internet cafe that I use for my lessons . It is called the Orange internet cafe in Taman Kosas KL , look it up if you want, but don't expect to find a website etc , some things here are rough and ready but low cost that's why I use them . The hourly is something like 30p an hour , you can't blame me and others for taking advantage of this. This is why I an here.

Please see also the PM by rossered :


Originally Posted by Stockjunkie
The exact same IP address ??

Are you sure Matt ? WCM is an ex student of mine and he lives in Malaysia as I do , so there may be some similarity of IPs.

I believe he has said so in his post .

But I can assure you he is not here !

The other names were old names of mine which were banned , as you have said so in the past .

Hope this helps .


Yep, there are a couple of IP's the same.

No matter - it wouldn't be unheard of for them to be on a cached address.

Thank you for the response Stockjunkie. I was unaware Matt had already questioned this and as the story checks out I will take your word for it, as he did.
I know said never , but this has to be cleared up , apparently someone is really riled up and has gone through some much time to look me up , I am flattered but :

1) I never said annual returns , I said overall , if one cannot understand that , then that is your problem .

2) yes , ok , 5.7 rounded up is 6 , so what .

3) I was most definitely using 2 accounts , or more correctly , one closed the other opend after that , profits are calculated re: individual accounts . Anyone who thinks the FSA know the difference between 1 account and another needs shooting , those have traded less than the people here.

IF you are calling Finspreads liars , then please confirm , I will let them know and we'll see what happens.

Also those are net winnings rather than current balances, proves the point .

4) What my reasons for ceasing as a house trader have been documented , beyond that it has nothing to so with anyone never mind some anynonymous jealous wannabe . What does it matter ? You are really just clutching at straws.

As a trader, You cannot owe a registered fund money , that dumbest thing I ever heard . The risk capital was ENTIRELY theirs . One is getting confused with penny arcades , those things are illegal in the far east .

the real question is : How many other people here can claim to have done the same thing ? and what have you done ? Have you even smelt life as a HT ? NO . I rest my case.

5) " many traders have done this and that , I have made xxx returns blah , blah , blah " - all on the real world of trade station no doubt .

Yeah right .

Yes I am an Ex house trader , hey what can I say that's the truth , are you jealous ?
..whether wcm and stockjunkie are one in the same......is there any excuse for the email and language it contained being received by another member of the board...one who has helped many members.i dont think so.what do the mods think?
when this obnoxious behaviour from a few is stamped upon maybe youll get back a few of the more helpful and reasonable members...if thats what t2w desires....i have my doubts these days
Although the Email is extremely offensive, it is unfortunately outside of the site's/mods' jurisdiction. The Email address shown on juanbyte's screenshot is not the one with which he is registered to t2w so afaik Stockjunkie cannot have used t2w to send his vile missive. Had he done so, or sent it via PM or posted it on the site then obviously he would have been banned immediately.

However I have let the Email screenshot remain on the page so that people can draw their own conclusions.

I accept that this justification for inaction may seem like a ridiculous technicality, but as usual a line has to be drawn somewhere. If we banned stockjunkie for sending this Email then presumably we could be expected to ban any member of this site who happens to send a similar Email to another member, having obtained their address externally, i.e. not using the t2w Email facility. I have several Email addresses of people who happen to be members of this site (which I have been given in the course of extra-site communications) and if I sent one of these people an offensive Email would it be the mods' business? Private communication away from the site, not through the site etc. I don't think so but this may be worthy of further discussion on the feedback thread.

I will close this thread now as it is achieving nothing.

I would also like to warn Stockjunkie for the final time that you are on very, very thin ice. If you cannot resist making the sort of aggressive posts that you have on this thread and others, then you will be very shortly made to feel unwelcome, permanently and without hint of parole.

Fianlly I would like to mention that juanbyte has been helpful and generous to myself and, I believe, several other members.
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