What’s Trading time frame?


Most people described it as the length of time you will have to invest or trade or remain in the market, hence, many try to link the concept to traders’ personalities. While in the actual sense, the dictionary meaning of time frame is defined as “a period which something (activity) occurs or is expected to occur"

Thus, trading time frame has to be universal and not just what fits to trader xyz personality. So what’s your opinion on this?
Most people described it as the length of time you will have to invest or trade or remain in the market, hence, many try to link the concept to traders’ personalities. While in the actual sense, the dictionary meaning of time frame is defined as “a period which something (activity) occurs or is expected to occur"

Thus, trading time frame has to be universal and not just what fits to trader xyz personality. So what’s your opinion on this?

All thats meant by time frame on here, (mostly) is setting the chart up on a 1 min or 5 min, 1 hour, daily weekly, monthly etc, and anything in between. Longer term traders would not look at 1 min charts and intra day traders would be unlikely to look at monthly and weekly charts.

Time frames do not really make much sense. If you had a screen that for arguments sake was cinema sized, and you have trades lasting 3/4 days, there is no real reason why you couldn't have minute bars, as you could see plenty of them. what happens within say an hour bar is often of note.

Indicators will often give buy & sell signals that differ in different frames, so it matters, to indicator based systems!
If trading price only then its just convenience really. You may zoom in for a closer look or out for the big picture.
Thanks Will for the nice description, well i am learning..
Hey mark;

Thats incredibly smart of you to understand time-frame so fast; Takes most traders absolutely months to learn that stuff!

Its a tradition here to offer the smart guys top-class options; So if you want some cheap Google options then feel free to ask because they are going to make a few hundred thousand pound for those who have it;
They are only about £100 for 100 shares (1 contract option) and it has unlimited potential upside and only £100 risk;

Just contact me if you want to buy the options off me, they will make you loads of money its an absolute bargin but i can't have any more because of liquidity demand...
So if you or anyone else wants them, you can for a small fee (They are worth £3000)

So yeah absolute bargain here; Top stuff; I only really want to sell to smart guys because otherwise its a bit complicated with them understanding whereas the smart guys like you see the opportunity straight away.