What would motivate you to trading?

Vladimir Rojas

Junior member
Every trader wants to take an easy step to successful trading. One of the keys is high motivation, the right mindset, learning, and practice. But what motivates us to trade? Of course, for most of us is money. But the true reason is not money itself, but what we can get with it.

These are different for everyone. Some traders find a new lifestyle with trading. Others want to spend more time with family. Yet others trade for charity and philanthropy motives. But it’s crucial to maintain trading motivation to continue your way.

To keep yourself motivated, follow the examples of successful traders.

Let’s remember Bill Lipschutz, who is a good example of strong motivation and its results. He invested $12000 in the stock market and multiplied it into $24000 in a few months. Then he lost all of it. But Bill didn’t give up and moved to Forex trading, where he raised over $300 million. It seems he had a weighty motivation.

Use your motivation and trade profitably.

Motivation. Quora - Reddit.png
Motivation is the reason for actions, willingness, and goals. Motivation comes from the word motive...in forex, you should have the desire to earn..if you have the desire of a good lifestyle, you will be motivated to earn more through forex trading...so you can save more and live a better life.
Motivation is key, because trading is awfully frustrating at times. You have to power through those tough times, and in trading (and life in general) most people simply give up.

Besides desire to earn and to have a good lifestyle, I'll submit that another motivation is the intellectual challenge of beating the markets. That is what drives me. The money then becomes an outcome - still really important of course!
Very true! Money seems like the obvious answer, but self-improvement, being able to spend more time with family, not having to work for a boss, having more freedom, etc. are all really big motivators as well.
Absolutely! The problem, of course, is that is usually a big unknown. You can succeed with a little edge, but that means a lot of uncertainty (and possibly short terms losses)...
Profit and feeling of challenge. What's particularly interesting is this elusive feeling that I solved the puzzle and after several trades I understand that I was wrong and have to improve my system and do further research
I like the freedom that it brings. I hated my 9-5 office Job and although I do some other part time work, I have more free time.
The only thing in life you can't get more of is time. But money allows you to spend your time better.
I have been trading since 2009 and for 12 years I have had periods when motivation has left me and my trading. But now I am completely confident in my abilities, thanks to the desire to become better. Making money in the market is survival, and the only motivation is "be the best or you will lose everything."
Now I have my own trading system and investors, they also motivate me to be better every day.
What motivates me is my young family.
As I'm PT working now trading PT also allows me more family time and I hope to teach my kids to do the same giving them a headstart in life
Good post, where your motivation comes from is very important. Although focusing on money and big goals can result in some struggles with greed, knowing what you are working for can make you really persistent.
For me, trading is an intellectual challenge. Obviously, money is one thing that motivates everyone. I’m no different but as I have other sources of income I don’t trade specifically for money. It’s fun to trade, I not only get to challenge my mind but also my psychology. Trading can be a roller coaster of emotions and trying to stay sane in the wild swings helps me to strengthen my emotional side.
Agree with this as well. It's like a game where I have to figure out the rules and then learn how to play it. Intellectually I enjoy that. Like you I ensure that other income streams keep me stable so I can just enjoy the challenge.