What to do next?


Active member
Having developed what I think is a good trading method through watching the markets and trying all the BS indicators, with all the different parameters out there I've finally realised that all I need is pivot points and price action.

I would like to take it to the next step by trading it for real, but I have a problem I have little capital at the moment. So I've thought about spreadbetting but I've been reading a lot about how they operate on this site and don't know how good an idea this would be?

I currently have an account with CMC and would like to know if anyone on these boards uses a spreadbetting company to make a living and also does anyone have a any experience with CMC?

Any useful help would be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance.
A spread betting firm will be fine for small capital start. Don't believe all the bad press it gets. They won't be too fussed about a small trader.