The "industry" of self improvement including investment appears to be doing well, although it might be just an appearance. Few authors are selling well, and majority of them have many good things to say, sensible things of which majority one might work it out anyway! Like - saving is a great idea.
The idea of tracking indices is good, even better with a broker that does not rip you off. Tony Robbins spends a lot of time explaining it in his latest book, "Money master the game", I am sure he is not alone to have spotted it, yet for few pounds one can have the book and read it without driving to a seminar.
Personally I do like reading that include reading about successful people like Andrew Carnegie, Richard Branson and many others, and some motivational books by people who by their example are worth to read like Zig Zigglar or Jim Rhon.
I also would like for younger generation, especially those in mid teens to read books like "Rich dad poor dad", or " The richest man in Babylon" with few biographies of successful people in any filed of their interest. (my advise is to keep well away from the expensive seminars!!!)
I have observed that successful people usually came to good things by thinking and working.
Incredibly neither thinking or working are the things that crowds desire.
On one hand there are those who promote thinking, positive thinking, even better. Nothing wrong with that, every good thing starts with thinking. However great and positive that thinking is, if not followed by action, work and accomplishment, the person is not likely to succeed.
Working, and being able to create is a great ability many posses. Many of those who work hard in the "western world" are usually able to provide for themselves and their families. However, work, even hard work divorced from thinking is less likely to produce spectacular success.
This divorce between thinking and working resulted in great wastage, unfulfilled human potentials, and unhappiness.
One needs to think "hard" and work hard, and enjoy both.
I find that those who are successful do not need to be convinced about studying, learning and doing, however, those who regard themselves as unsuccessful, or even worse, as failure, often locked in a daily rat race, will find many excuses not to better themselves by being mentored or otherwise.
So the old principle applies ,.. For everyone who has will be given more, and he will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken away from him... Mt 25;29
I find that one needs to be thinking, doing, prudent , productive and humble, without qualities like that any letters before or after the surname will make little difference.
It is good to be able to share how one practice happy and successful (whatever it means) living, there are many ways to do so. I prefer starting from home, with our kids, than friends who are able to verify the example one strives to be.
I am aware there are other ways too, however my skills, resources and time are limited, so I limit myself to a closer circle of people.
I rather like the logo in one of Goggle offices, "The most important things in life aren't things." Anthony J. D'Angelo