What markets do you trade and why?


Well-known member
I was wondering if people could tell me what their favourite market /instruments are to trade

and explain why they trade them.

I know a reasonable amount about the Dow and Forex etc but why do you trade Gold/

Silver/ Pork Bellies/ Orange Juice/T Bonds/ Oil etc

What sort of range does your market have and what do you look for to trigger a trade ie,

volume/ ta or fundamentals, and what time frames do you favour?

I currently only monitor the Dow (ym) and forex but should I look at others?

Many thanks in advance.
I like to trade the beans, bean oil, crude, heating oil,OJ, eurodollars. These markets trade on patterns. I am a person who likes to read into historicals, these markets tend have many seasonal trades.
Futures and Options on Grains, Indices (US), Gold, and Currencies.
Liquidity and volitility.
schoe said:
I know a reasonable amount about the Dow and Forex etc but why do you trade Gold/Silver/ Pork Bellies/ Orange Juice/T Bonds/ Oil etc

i believe that markets like Pork Bellies are mainly traded as a hedge for business' in the industry, e.g McDonalds hedging in the cattle markets (bad example - why would they need to hedge meat!!!)
SHarrison said:
i believe that markets like Pork Bellies are mainly traded as a hedge for business' in the industry, e.g McDonalds hedging in the cattle markets (bad example - why would they need to hedge meat!!!)

mad cow disease

schoe said:
I was wondering if people could tell me what their favourite market /instruments are to trade

and explain why they trade them.

I know a reasonable amount about the Dow and Forex etc but why do you trade Gold/

Silver/ Pork Bellies/ Orange Juice/T Bonds/ Oil etc

What sort of range does your market have and what do you look for to trigger a trade ie,

volume/ ta or fundamentals, and what time frames do you favour?

I currently only monitor the Dow (ym) and forex but should I look at others?

Many thanks in advance.

You should find a market where you feel most comfortable trading, second it is very important to find a market that moves and has liquidity. IMHO the only markets that moves are the ER2, YM, EUR and DAX (I don't know how the FTSE-100 or commodity futures moves, don't have any experience concerning those markets).

If you are a newbie find one market to start trading (I advise YM), use 1 setup AND learn. Don't think about the money. If you have enough experience expand to other markets you feel comfortable trading.

Below is a URL of trading-naked.com, find a setup that sounds logic for you and trade it.
A great market to trade in terms of both liquidity and action is fixed income, like US Treasury's. They tend to be very responsive to market data releases, but also can be quite trendy over time.
I trade dax, ym, ZB, gbl and eur...

I have a question. Some people here tell they trade grains and beans. At wich broker do you trade this commodities and how liquid are those contracts?
Futures datafeeds / software

Hello all,

If you can offer some help and advice with the below couple of questions
it would much appreciated.

I am using a chart /software package that only has access to Liffe futures,
in addition to the standard stock exchanges.

They inform me that to get access to other futures exchange data (Eurex, LME, NY,
CBOT etc) I need a third party data feed. (e.g. Bloomberg, Tenfore).

I notice a few of you trade several futures markets / exchanges (ym, dax, ftse gold etc).

My question is can anyone recommend a chart / software provider that has access
to Liffe, Eurex, London Metal Exchange, CBOT etc as part of their own package
I will not need all the exchanges but would like to subscribe to additional ones as need be.
I realise I will have to pay exchange fees to each exchange but wanted to cut out the
3rd pary data feed so to speak
Or is the 3rd party data feed the norm.

At present I can access Liffe futures charts by paying an additional exchange fee
to my chart / software provider but don't have the complications of 3rd party feeds.
I just access the charts.

How exactly do these work. Would I receive the raw data myself and have to upload
it into my chart software. Would it go to my chart / software provider and they upload it.

Your help appreciated.

Hi Futures2005,
Although I do not trade futures, I am sure you can get what you want from Metastock, through Reuters Datalink. You need to subscribe to their worldwide futures package at about $135/month. I think this is an EOD package.
If anyone is just getting into futures I would recommend starting with the less volatile markets like the Schatz or the 5 yr T-Note as they track the Bund/Bond but aren't as daunting and if you start badly,with small size can keep in the game and if successful can 'test the water' of the more volatile contracts with some confidence and hopefully enough funding to do it properly.
I'm currently trading bunds,bonds and 10 yrs because of their liquidity and volatility.
I also trade the bonds and the 10 yrs as a spread, 1:1 ratio, looking for longer term moves.
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The market to trade depends on its predictability. It can be anything, so long as it is predictable.

If I know that the policies, technicals etc show that a certain contract's price is going to be in one direction for quite some thime then I take that directional trade, usually when a group of decision makers announce that that's the direction then that's the direction to take.

If I'm trading volatility I look for the lowest risk I can buy it for for as immediate sell as possible, to save time and expense, preferrably less than an hour.
I trade Asian Indices and Forex.

Nikkei (has just gone up 2000pts in 3 month), Hang Seng index, and KOSPI 200.
Hang Seng is very volatile market, if it's on the move, don't you dare to even blink.

For Forex I trade JPY and EUR.

Hang Seng Index Futures are indeed very liquid and volatile, one can have quite a number of day trade opportunities on top of position trading. Having said that, as a novice trader, I'm still learning ie losing!
Futures2005 said:
Hello all,

If you can offer some help and advice with the below couple of questions
it would much appreciated.

I am using a chart /software package that only has access to Liffe futures,
in addition to the standard stock exchanges.

They inform me that to get access to other futures exchange data (Eurex, LME, NY,
CBOT etc) I need a third party data feed. (e.g. Bloomberg, Tenfore).

I notice a few of you trade several futures markets / exchanges (ym, dax, ftse gold etc).

My question is can anyone recommend a chart / software provider that has access
to Liffe, Eurex, London Metal Exchange, CBOT etc as part of their own package
I will not need all the exchanges but would like to subscribe to additional ones as need be.
I realise I will have to pay exchange fees to each exchange but wanted to cut out the
3rd pary data feed so to speak
Or is the 3rd party data feed the norm.

At present I can access Liffe futures charts by paying an additional exchange fee
to my chart / software provider but don't have the complications of 3rd party feeds.
I just access the charts.

How exactly do these work. Would I receive the raw data myself and have to upload
it into my chart software. Would it go to my chart / software provider and they upload it.

Your help appreciated.



i trade er2 and eurofx futures for the volatility and trading ranges