What is the best day trading platform?


Junior member
I have traded with Scottrade but I know it is not good to trade with a 3rd party broker. I need a day trading platform. Anybody have a good idea and experience in this field?
I use Tradestation & I would not recommend it for day trading. I have automated my exit orders, so I don't have the worst of the issues - but basically, there's far too much fingerwork required.

I'm going to have a go with IBs TWS to see what that's like, otherwise I'll probably use eSignal.
depends on what your trading...and if you need charting. Tradestation is A+ for charting, if you trade futures their margins suck , forex spread is ok. If you trade futures try globalfutures they have good rates and lots of different platforms...I just use J-trader but there are other ones ,just depends on what your doing. For Forex , I use FXCM standard platform , you can use metatrader w/them as well.