What interests you in Binary Options?


Junior member
I am really interested in why anyone would have any interest in binary options? Everything is stacked against you and there is no way you will make money. In fact with the 80% payout, which seems to be the best out there, assuming you are able to be 70% profitable on your 'bets' and you are doing a $10 stake then it will take you almost 200 trades to make $500. At a 70% payout it would take 264 trades to make $500. My guess is most will be lucky to do better than 55% profitable.

If you are 70% profitable in picking trades then you should be able to be extremely profitable in the markets and shouldn't be wasting time playing games that are stacked against you.

I'm just really interested in the attraction to binaries.
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Binary Options is good but start will low amounts as test then if its good increase investment
It will be hard to find a method that gives you a itm% of at least 60%.

I suggest not to use any indicator. You will be lost if you start staring at them.
I have on Binary Option arround one year ago, and many strategy I use. and the conclusion, the patient to wait moment is difficult to practice it, so I lose much money, But I'm not give up, so until now I still on binary.com
I know algorithmic traders that have a batting average much higher than 50%. They are day trading though, which is the same type of short time frames that binary options capture. Their methods involve using statistical models in analyzing the order book. These types of strategies generally have small wins and large losses (like the saying goes - eat like a bird, sh*t like an elephant).

Binary options are also an easy way to get involved in short term trading. Day trading stocks required an account of at least $25,000 which most people done have. Also, some people are just looking to gamble for entertainment, same reason people play slots at a casino
Although I don't want to trade binary options, I can certainly see the appeal. For newcomers, they are easier to understand and there is 'less' to think about in some respects.

Binary options get a bad rep since the industry can be a bit shady and obviously the odds are stacked against the trader, but then again, in many ways trading in general is offered to us in the house's favour.

Traders often claim that binary options traders always lose. My opinion on this is slightly different. As we all know, the stats for losing traders in forex trading, or other types of trading are very high (some claim 90%+ lose in the market). I think the percentages for binary options traders losing will be very similar. The difference is how much time it takes.

There will be thousands and thousands of traders out there who think they are profitable and probably laugh at binary options traders on their negative spiral to losses. However, what they haven't realised is that they are also on a negative spiral to losing all their money, only that the nature of the way they trade means it will be a slow burn, so they can live blissfully ignorant for a while until they realise they weren't doing so well after all. Whereas the binary options trader figures out very quickly that they were stupid and loses their money in a matter of days, James Dean style - live fast, die young!
Honestly i'm not interested in it due to the payout ratio. Its worst. But i have some free money left in a binary broker, so i was thinking to utilize it. If i'm able to make 10% per month, then it will be nice. I hope not expecting too much 🙂
I am really interested in why anyone would have any interest in binary options? Everything is stacked against you and there is no way you will make money. In fact with the 80% payout, which seems to be the best out there, assuming you are able to be 70% profitable on your 'bets' and you are doing a $10 stake then it will take you almost 200 trades to make $500. At a 70% payout it would take 264 trades to make $500. My guess is most will be lucky to do better than 55% profitable.

If you are 70% profitable in picking trades then you should be able to be extremely profitable in the markets and shouldn't be wasting time playing games that are stacked against you.

I'm just really interested in the attraction to binaries.
R u referring to Binary option traded in US on Nadex or all those copy cat Cyprus based shops!
I've been a trader in FX for over 4 years and I've had some highs and lows.

I've been considering a branching out into Binary for the best part of a
year now but never saw anything to tilt over the edge.

After investing in Pro Binary Robot I can honestly say it was worth the wait!

So far I've had 85% of my signals come out as winners and I couldn't ask for much
more than that.I'll soon be up to th 5K+ per week dollar and it's barely been
3 months yet.

If you want to know how I do it ,Open this link:http://www.tomhuaonline.com/br
I've been a trader in FX for over 4 years and I've had some highs and lows.

I've been considering a branching out into Binary for the best part of a
year now but never saw anything to tilt over the edge.

After investing in Pro Binary Robot I can honestly say it was worth the wait!

So far I've had 85% of my signals come out as winners and I couldn't ask for much
more than that.I'll soon be up to th 5K+ per week dollar and it's barely been
3 months yet.

If you want to know how I do it ,Open this link:http://www.tomhuaonline.com/br

SO this makes money for you and the seller!...h...m why would anybody sale such a thing! if it is so GOOOOOD
How silly people can be! mind boggles!