What do you all think about Saxo's prediction for 2019?


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With Saxo’s top outrageous predictions trending for 2019 with the theme“enough is enough” I have to wonder if they’re on to something, unless this is just a marketing genius for the optimistic Trader. Or I wonder if it’s a huge risk with a dangerous miscalculation for future events with investors and your average trader. Could it be media manipulation or some sort of self-fulfilling prophecy of the chief economist Steve Jakobsen to see our future and an economic revolution, a revolution against globalization. For over a decade Saxso has been predicting outrageous predictions. Could these all come true?
Right now I’m only going to touch on 3 of the 10. One that grabbed my attention, Trump may fire Powell. Trump screams “you’re fired Powell” and Powell who is constantly scrambling trying to clean up the mess Greenspan and Bernanke created. We remember that at the FOMC Powell and very few signed on for a rate hike. With the U.S. economy in shambles already, literally one rate hike away from bursting our economy and U.S. equities. So it’s not too far off to think that Trump would fire Powell. They also believe that he would be hiring fed president Neil Kashari instead. Kashari seems to be open to the idea of the feds serving government. Setting the president up for the 2020 election by tightening the monetary policy and bringing the GDP up a significant amount, maybe not the six percent that Saxos predicted, but still a significant amount of deleveraging happening on all sides. However, I guess the GDP wouldn’t even matter if number ten on their list it comes through. That would be that the world bank and the IMF only focus on productivity instead of measuring the GDP that is unable to take in to account so many other issues. This could be why everything else is rising cost of living, food, most of everything but the working per hour remains the same, because the GDP refers to output per hour worked, and extreme broad measurement of the nation’s economic activity. Not taking in so many other factors environment, environmental disasters, a technology based service, the list goes on and on. This may be perhaps far in our future, way further than 2019. But it’s definitely something to think about I wouldn’t base my trades on it. One never knows, we could get a level playing field after all.
Some don’t seem too far off. Like that the central bank would launch QE1 down under, on the housing market in Australia. In which economics specialist Harry Dent predicted a while back now, as one of the biggest financial crisis since the 1930s. Now Saxo’s is predicting over leverage over valued mortgaged back that would make the lenders leaving banks frozen and further tightening on lending, some that couldn’t cover it independently would collapse. For the first time in 27 years Australia will fall into recession, and QE1 is forced.
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I think its probable he will at least start the formal process, even if it cannot be completed, and this might force Powell's resignation anyway. But predicting what President Trump will do is a tricky business...........
I think its probable he will at least start the formal process, even if it cannot be completed, and this might force Powell's resignation anyway. But predicting what President Trump will do is a tricky business...........
Powell is the perfect scapegoat for Trump:

Economy Good, Trump says, "America is great again and it's all because of me"
Economy Bad, Trump says, "America was going great until The FED ruined everything"
Powell is the perfect scapegoat for Trump:

Economy Good, Trump says, "America is great again and it's all because of me"
Economy Bad, Trump says, "America was going great until The FED ruined everything"
Totally, but Powell is for more rate hikes...we can't keep going the way we have
Totally, but Powell is for more rate hikes...we can't keep going the way we have

What will firing Powell achieve? The Federal Reserve has convinced the market(s) that the US economy is strong enough to withstand higher interest rates. Firing Powell would be an admission that it was all a lie.
Good take on it. However, I think or more people know it is all a lie. I still don't think he fire him but it's a possibility to put in someone more self-serving. At least a way to postpone hikes to keep a market strong for the 2020 election. Of course this is all speculation and Theory
Trump surrounds himself with yes men who are paid enough to not voice their own opinions, but echo his.