well I thought I would try to be first:-)


Well-known member
so I have started with a few words on what I am doing with the latest (5.3) version of IRT.

It has a Quote page option which allows you to look at a list of stocks ( or futures, indices or options etc) and define a series of columns which can have any information in ANY time frame for that stock.

For example, if you have a rule to buy when the 2,5,10 minutes RSI are all below 25 and rising, you can program a "Custom Column" for RSI meeting those criteria and set up the sytem to sound an alarm, give a message and open the chart of the relevant stock.

Now I'm no great shakes at programming and the definitive non Beta version was only released a week ago, but I found on Friday - when the US futures were oscillating wildly, it helped graetly in identifying when to trade and more importantly when not to.

For example, I have one quote page set up specifically to look at MACD over those time frames above. Buy when all the MACDs align, look at support and resistance and if the shorter term MACD change at those levels, then a quick scalp.

I can't claim I'm anyway near a perfected system yet but the ability to look at multi time frames in one line makes trade selection MUCH easier..

Sorry I'm not technically competent to copy a screen page but here's an example

ES`h (S&P 500 futures)

Headings ....MACD2....MACD5....MACD10......RSI5.....RSI10.....CCI

ES`h.............Down.....Down......Down.........58........Nr Lo.......2

In reality they are all colour coded.. blue for up, red down.

I have programmed ( a fancy word for a very simple selection of "Is greater than" or " Is less than" etc plain English options) so when MACD is negative or turning down, a Down message is given, when RSI is lower than 30, a message " Nr Lo" is given and when CCI is beyond + or -100 I get a message "Overbought " or "Oversold".

The quote page is updated in real time (I have set each column to be recalculated every 30 seconds).

I have also programmed (another fancy word for a simple logical expression) a scan to tell when the price has gone through the upper or lower Bollinger Band.

At the end of the day it makes decision making easier...

( Impact on processing power? negligible. I follow 5 futures like this and 200 stocks intra day on a 500MH Athlon and CPU usage is less thn 30% with various other programs as well.. Wonder how it runs with 200 stocks? Next week will tell)