Chapter One - Scam Artists & Data Manipulation
"Do not pay anything to anyone unless you
receive reliable and long-term profits ..." an old JWSH1 Admin
"There are lot's of Forex signals providers out there. New Forex traders might be thinking of looking for a reliable Forex signals provider. Is there any reliable Forex signals providers available?
Personally, I will say do not pay for Forex signals. Think about it - if a Forex signals provider sells Forex signals for living, you can doubt their Forex trading skills? Or else if they are pretty good in Forex trading and making lot's of profit, I am wondering why do they still bother to sell Forex signals for money. Thus, what would be the value of such Forex signals providers? The answer is ZERO.
There are Forex traders who have been relying on Forex signals arguing those Forex signals providers really help them making money in Forex trading. These Forex traders can even show their Forex trading logs as evidence. After some though, I came out with the assumption that assuming I am the owner of a Forex signals provider, in order for my business to be in black, obviously I need some satisfying customers. If I have 100 new customers this month, I send out buy signal for the 50 of my new customers while the another half with sell signal. At the end, I will able to have "some satisfying customers". Finally, free advertising and testimonial will be made available.
If you are really new into Forex trading, it's better for you to sign up a demo Forex trading account from any Forex brokers and try some practice trades for a few months. This will give you insight into how the forex market behaves. Then only deposit a small amount of money to get a real feel. There are great differences between demo trading and real trading due to personal trading psychology.
Final words, if you really wish to buy Forex signals from a Forex signal provider, make sure they have got an audited results and do provide a free trial over a substantial period.
--- INFO came from --- "
We completely agree with the article owner even we are a signal provider. We hope this thread creates new paths for all new and experienced forex traders. Here are some easy conspiracies :
Scenario 1- Company A is a signal provider and makes 10,000 USD advertisements every month in order to receive new visitors. Now Company A creates a new company which is named as Company B. Company B do the same as 10,000 USD advertisements and receiving new victims, etc.
Now the scam begins --- Company A sends buy signals to all customers while Company B sends opposite. As the above article owner saying Company A or B will able to have "some satisfying customers" at the end of the trading.
Scenario 2 - We saw a simple conspiracy on the Scenario 1. On this scenario we will see the bigger one. Company C is a small company known as honest and reliable. Then a multi-national huge company bought the Company C however dont change the name of the company (still company c known as small, reliable, honest etc.). The same procedures will be apply as Scenario 1.
Scenario 3 - Final scenario which we can create. A huge company named as X making special deal with another huge company named as Y (Profit sharing %50). The huge X company and huge Y company do the same procedures as the Scenario 1 and 2. Finally they will always have many satisfied customers and growing everyday ... P.S After all, no need to make extra advertisements for the following months : free advertising and testimonial will be made available.
HOW CAN YOU AVOID this highly possible scam ?
Answer 1- Never look any news, analysis, charts and data on the market including signal providers all kind of, etc. And get your trading skill via books,etc. And find non-manipulated data about the market and make some process on it and finally you can minimize the scam.
Answer 2- Do not pay anything to anyone unless you receive reliable and long-term profits ... This simply means as pay only after you receive the success. Never make long-term contracts to any scam artist.
WE want to extend this thread by a new enemy which is named as "DATA MANIPULATION".
A series of data manipulated by giants about the reason of create false breakouts and make profit from it. So... how can it possible ? Simple... Did you ever see a data which is different from others ? Did you ask yourself why ? Ask the data provider and they will tell you we are the market makers and we have our own market. It is OK. We are not angry about it. BUT Wait ... the conspiracies are coming ...
*** Think there is only one valid data for the forex market and named as JWSH1, located on a multi-national databases which means data will never lost or changed. Now the mentioned manipulated data can be born from JWSH1. It is like this ... manipulated data A, +1 more than JWSH1. manipulated data B, +2 more than JWSH1. manipulated data c +3 more than JWSH1. THE POINT is manipulated data PROVIDER combines the manipulated data a,b,c at anytime they want. So your charts which is connected to manipulated data PROVIDER tells you "IT IS the time for BREAKOUT" while JWSH1 owners just smile you 😈 When you enter for a breakout for your all savings including your farms,houses, etc, JWSH1 owners trade against you. Because their charts tell them a perfect FIBONACCI support at that levels and can not be break at this time. What that all means ? The technicals are working ??? Indeed. Technicals always work. Technicals can be failed by wrong data.
NOW we have something more subjects which is well hidden from the new users even disciplined traders like " Full details of all forex transactions (including interbank offset)", " Which is a more profitable client for your broker : a-Chronic losers or b-Consistent winners.", " What is artificial stop hunting ? "
The next time we will publish this conspiracies also. At the meantime please take the above information as a serious and share the info even with your enemies.
as an old JWSH1 Admin,
current Admin
P.S Try 7th Dim. ANN robots on your mini or standard forex demo accounts (as much as possible) and see the results yourself without any time obligation. Do not be hurry to apply the same robots on your live accounts. Give it a real try ( [email protected] )
"Do not pay anything to anyone unless you
receive reliable and long-term profits ..." an old JWSH1 Admin
"There are lot's of Forex signals providers out there. New Forex traders might be thinking of looking for a reliable Forex signals provider. Is there any reliable Forex signals providers available?
Personally, I will say do not pay for Forex signals. Think about it - if a Forex signals provider sells Forex signals for living, you can doubt their Forex trading skills? Or else if they are pretty good in Forex trading and making lot's of profit, I am wondering why do they still bother to sell Forex signals for money. Thus, what would be the value of such Forex signals providers? The answer is ZERO.
There are Forex traders who have been relying on Forex signals arguing those Forex signals providers really help them making money in Forex trading. These Forex traders can even show their Forex trading logs as evidence. After some though, I came out with the assumption that assuming I am the owner of a Forex signals provider, in order for my business to be in black, obviously I need some satisfying customers. If I have 100 new customers this month, I send out buy signal for the 50 of my new customers while the another half with sell signal. At the end, I will able to have "some satisfying customers". Finally, free advertising and testimonial will be made available.
If you are really new into Forex trading, it's better for you to sign up a demo Forex trading account from any Forex brokers and try some practice trades for a few months. This will give you insight into how the forex market behaves. Then only deposit a small amount of money to get a real feel. There are great differences between demo trading and real trading due to personal trading psychology.
Final words, if you really wish to buy Forex signals from a Forex signal provider, make sure they have got an audited results and do provide a free trial over a substantial period.
--- INFO came from --- "
We completely agree with the article owner even we are a signal provider. We hope this thread creates new paths for all new and experienced forex traders. Here are some easy conspiracies :
Scenario 1- Company A is a signal provider and makes 10,000 USD advertisements every month in order to receive new visitors. Now Company A creates a new company which is named as Company B. Company B do the same as 10,000 USD advertisements and receiving new victims, etc.
Now the scam begins --- Company A sends buy signals to all customers while Company B sends opposite. As the above article owner saying Company A or B will able to have "some satisfying customers" at the end of the trading.
Scenario 2 - We saw a simple conspiracy on the Scenario 1. On this scenario we will see the bigger one. Company C is a small company known as honest and reliable. Then a multi-national huge company bought the Company C however dont change the name of the company (still company c known as small, reliable, honest etc.). The same procedures will be apply as Scenario 1.
Scenario 3 - Final scenario which we can create. A huge company named as X making special deal with another huge company named as Y (Profit sharing %50). The huge X company and huge Y company do the same procedures as the Scenario 1 and 2. Finally they will always have many satisfied customers and growing everyday ... P.S After all, no need to make extra advertisements for the following months : free advertising and testimonial will be made available.
HOW CAN YOU AVOID this highly possible scam ?
Answer 1- Never look any news, analysis, charts and data on the market including signal providers all kind of, etc. And get your trading skill via books,etc. And find non-manipulated data about the market and make some process on it and finally you can minimize the scam.
Answer 2- Do not pay anything to anyone unless you receive reliable and long-term profits ... This simply means as pay only after you receive the success. Never make long-term contracts to any scam artist.
WE want to extend this thread by a new enemy which is named as "DATA MANIPULATION".
A series of data manipulated by giants about the reason of create false breakouts and make profit from it. So... how can it possible ? Simple... Did you ever see a data which is different from others ? Did you ask yourself why ? Ask the data provider and they will tell you we are the market makers and we have our own market. It is OK. We are not angry about it. BUT Wait ... the conspiracies are coming ...
*** Think there is only one valid data for the forex market and named as JWSH1, located on a multi-national databases which means data will never lost or changed. Now the mentioned manipulated data can be born from JWSH1. It is like this ... manipulated data A, +1 more than JWSH1. manipulated data B, +2 more than JWSH1. manipulated data c +3 more than JWSH1. THE POINT is manipulated data PROVIDER combines the manipulated data a,b,c at anytime they want. So your charts which is connected to manipulated data PROVIDER tells you "IT IS the time for BREAKOUT" while JWSH1 owners just smile you 😈 When you enter for a breakout for your all savings including your farms,houses, etc, JWSH1 owners trade against you. Because their charts tell them a perfect FIBONACCI support at that levels and can not be break at this time. What that all means ? The technicals are working ??? Indeed. Technicals always work. Technicals can be failed by wrong data.
NOW we have something more subjects which is well hidden from the new users even disciplined traders like " Full details of all forex transactions (including interbank offset)", " Which is a more profitable client for your broker : a-Chronic losers or b-Consistent winners.", " What is artificial stop hunting ? "
The next time we will publish this conspiracies also. At the meantime please take the above information as a serious and share the info even with your enemies.
as an old JWSH1 Admin,
current Admin
P.S Try 7th Dim. ANN robots on your mini or standard forex demo accounts (as much as possible) and see the results yourself without any time obligation. Do not be hurry to apply the same robots on your live accounts. Give it a real try ( [email protected] )