Weekly Market Review 201205


Junior member
Small cap outperformed larger cap stocks for the fifth consecutive week; the Russell 2000 added the most gains among major asset classes in January, while bonds and commodities finished almost flat for the month. Economic data lifted optimism on economic recovery last week, where nonfarm payrolls surprisingly added more positions (243k vs. 121k est.) to the market in January. The unemployment rate (8.3% vs. 8.5% est.) continued to decline after the holiday season. The short-end of the treasury yield curve took off led by superior data, while the long-term maturities remained almost unchanged. Market focus is likely to point to the Euro zone: the ECB announcement will be the key market mover next week.

Technical Highlights:
• Russell 2000 outperformed all other major benchmarks in January; Bond traded lower after optimistic data.
• Nearly 90% of the NYSE stocks are now trading above their 50day moving average; the NASDAQ composite reached a new high since 2000.
• The pullback may have happened based on the RSMC reading, new uptrend formed?
• Financial, technology and industrial outperformed the S&P; offensive stocks up a little along with the market rally.
• The upside momentum is still here based on historical returns; most sectors show positive performance bias forward looking.
• The short-end treasury curve rallied after nonfarm payroll, the long-term maturities remain relatively stable.

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hi alpbeta, you have not given an opinion only facts! anyone can read. who are tyou trying to target? are we going up based on your facts or are we going down? your call.
hi alpbeta, you have not given an opinion only facts! anyone can read. who are tyou trying to target? are we going up based on your facts or are we going down? your call.

good question, and you are right, this is mainly reporting the fact.
i am trying to present the market in a quantitative way. Page 1, 2, 4 & 6 are all about the fact, but readers can see how the market performed and use it to confirm with he/her judgments.
Page 3 is something I created on my own, it is like an indicator that show change in trend for the equity market.
Page 5 is all about looking in the past and predict the future, which I organized historical daily returns to show the seasonal affect behind the different sectors. Reader can see how each sector performed in the past and make assumption forward looking.
My target audiences are required to have some background knowledge on technical analysis and statistical analysis.
This is something new to me, and that is why I need your help to make it better.
How? let me know how I can improve it, let me know what do you want to see beside telling you directly what to buy and what to sell. I cannot do provide that kind of recommendation due to my career restriction.
Thanks for asking.
you seem to have put a lot of effort into your site alpbeta well done it all looks hunky dory. i hope it works for you but i don't think i can help other than short/mediun market analysys. what is giving you the motivation here?
you seem to have put a lot of effort into your site alpbeta well done it all looks hunky dory. i hope it works for you but i don't think i can help other than short/mediun market analysys. what is giving you the motivation here?

i just love doing it and making new idea, :cheesy: