Want to learn everything there is about share trading...


Hi, I occasionally share trade on Nasdaq but have no real system, that is I basically monitor closely the movement of a select few stocks that I trade in. What I’d like to do is really learn about trading on the markets. There are loads of books out there, plus people plugging their seminars, but before I start spending my hard earned cash can anyone make any recommendations?… as I said I don’t mind spending money on training or books but I also don’t want to waste my money, so I would appreciate some guidance.

Thanks in advance for your help.

khalil_a78 said:
Hi, I occasionally share trade on Nasdaq but have no real system, that is I basically monitor closely the movement of a select few stocks that I trade in. What I’d like to do is really learn about trading on the markets. There are loads of books out there, plus people plugging their seminars, but before I start spending my hard earned cash can anyone make any recommendations?… as I said I don’t mind spending money on training or books but I also don’t want to waste my money, so I would appreciate some guidance.

Thanks in advance for your help.


start with reminiscences of a stock operator, move on to Elder's trading books.
