I wanted to bring to your attention a new website which models itself after twitter.com/jaiku.com (if you're familiar with those) it is www.wallstreak.com
Basically it is a chat room but with a lot of extra features which make it superior (you can post anonymously if you prefer, registering is very easy, you can create a watchlist, see others watchlist, see what was said re any symbol, follow comments and "threads" the same way a messageboard does, etc.)
It isn't commercial in that no one is selling services or calls or anything like that. Its just traders chatting online with each other, exchanging views during the trading hours, pointing out intraday chart formations, asking questions, etc.
Right now it is north american traders but all are welcome.
The site is up 24-7 and can be used for all markets, and all trading sessions. >>WallStreak
Basically it is a chat room but with a lot of extra features which make it superior (you can post anonymously if you prefer, registering is very easy, you can create a watchlist, see others watchlist, see what was said re any symbol, follow comments and "threads" the same way a messageboard does, etc.)
It isn't commercial in that no one is selling services or calls or anything like that. Its just traders chatting online with each other, exchanging views during the trading hours, pointing out intraday chart formations, asking questions, etc.
Right now it is north american traders but all are welcome.
The site is up 24-7 and can be used for all markets, and all trading sessions. >>WallStreak