VWAP Sector Analysis


Legendary member
There may have been coverage of this topic in a previous thread, but I'm in a bit of a rush so apologies for starting a new one if not necessary.

I'm currently using EXCEL to monitor potential pair trading stocks.

While I'm using the first hour high/low as an approximation to the upper/lower vwap bands (not perfect I know), I'm interested in developing VolatileN's suggestion on pair trading within the same sector.

Obviously these are going to be even more difficult to find, but Is there any way, short of investing in some analysis tool, that I can get sector related data or groupings for NYSE/NASDAQ stocks?

There must be, when I used to use Esignal, I had the stocks setup under sector headings. I would suggest that you first get a list of stocks that meet your basic criteria such as min Vol 1.2M etc then see how many fit into the various sectors. I havent done this for a while because I havent needed to when it comes to finding opportunties.

Who is your data provider now ?
How are you using Excel to give you alerts ?

Trader333 said:
Who is your data provider now?
DTN IQ Feed.

How are you using Excel to give you alerts ?

DDE links into a spreadsheet with conditional formats which highlight a stock when it gets to within 30, 20 and 10 points of it's high/low for the day (or of its 52 week high/low for trending days).

Haven't found a way to get pop-up or audio alert - yet.

There doesn't seem to be any way with the current data feed provider of getting sector groupings for my current 'repertoire' of 84 stocks & indices.

I'd obviously need to expand this number considerably to have any chance of detecting suitable same-sector pairs.