VPS tragdin

Ok. If you are looking to buy a VPS or cloud service, then I would firstly say be sure you need it. They are not cheap services IF the platform you wish to trade on uses a high level of RAM

To illustrate, i use to have a VPS for around 10 years and paid £70 or so per month as I used it to trade Tradestation that uses or requires a high level of RAM to function. I code many strategies so in order to get the signals, the trading platform has to be on all the time

Good in that its always on in theory
Bad in that from time to time, the darn thing would crash. Tradestation I would say being the cause not the VPS

Then I can view the VPS through my phone by having a VPS App installed

This is what I use to do
Not sure if this helps! I guess you may want it for MT5 or similar?