Vouch for these services?


Hi all,
I am new to this website and want to thank everyone for all their help and info. Awesome!

Can anyone vouch for Bill Barrett's "Insider Day Trading Secrets" teaching package?

Also, can anyone vouch for The Taipan groups "Red Zone Profts", "Wave Strength Trader" or "Bottarelli Research" email trading services?

about bottarelli

Im interested in trying it, the service i used before was from
wavestrength.com (the same people that opened bottarelli reasearch),
i tried it before but i was not so happy with results.
They are not scam becuase they charged from my CC only waht i used and stopped
service when i asked by phone.
Could be a good service becuase high price (around 220 Monthly) but the only garantee
is to test it.
May be if there are a few people interested in it we can share cost for 1 account
and test it.

best regards
Good but delyed signals

I am with you, I had wavestrength and Deathcross and many other that the company had but it has come to everyone leaving the one site and making their own. Bottarelli is good, but I emailed them to ask why not just give us the signal when to buy only then give the two page written report why we are getting into the trade. By time they write the article to send you and tell you to buy at or below this price the price (about 75% of the time) at the top price to pay or slightly over. I do think if you play your cards right and spend the same on each signal they give and not by same contract you will win nicely. Example use $2000.00 or $3000.00 per each signal not 5 or 10 contracts. if the siganl is for buying $5.00 option divide that into the $2000.00 and you get 4 contracts and if the signa is for $2.00 option divide that into the $2000.00 and get 10 contract. Remember they give 1 to 5 new options almost everyday. So don't put all your money on just one. If you have $10G do 5x $2000.00 if you have $5G do 5x$1000.00 and take profits at about 15 to 20% . You should just do fine.

about bottarelli

Im interested in trying it, the service i used before was from
wavestrength.com (the same people that opened bottarelli reasearch),
i tried it before but i was not so happy with results.
They are not scam becuase they charged from my CC only waht i used and stopped
service when i asked by phone.
Could be a good service becuase high price (around 220 Monthly) but the only garantee
is to test it.
May be if there are a few people interested in it we can share cost for 1 account
and test it.

best regards
find out any more about Bottarelli??

Hi, I just got the latest treaser from Bryan Bottarelli research Leaps -it sounds amazing , wonderful testimonials but can you believe these guys?. If they are so good at trading why bother with a newsletter?, can it all be so easy, I have a friend studying with Optionettics now for 2 years and $20K + in courses later she still hasn't made any money yet.

For all the exciting details, click below:


Let me kno wwhat you think?, if you have found out any more infor about Bryans service and maybe we could go halves on a subscription if it seemed worthwhile?/🙂

about bottarelli

Im interested in trying it, the service i used before was from
wavestrength.com (the same people that opened bottarelli reasearch),
i tried it before but i was not so happy with results.
They are not scam becuase they charged from my CC only waht i used and stopped
service when i asked by phone.
Could be a good service becuase high price (around 220 Monthly) but the only garantee
is to test it.
May be if there are a few people interested in it we can share cost for 1 account
and test it.

best regards
$20k on course!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Probably would've been cheaper to just flip a coin and deal that way. I think it is a dispicable that people can charge this much for a course that doesn't appear to work...

If you had a personal trainer for 2 years and your waistline kept creeping outwards you'd dump them quick smart.....
I had some experience with some of these services. Their historical performance data is based on best entry and exit points and not on actual trades! It is a bit like paper trading, but for kids.
Some good trades and some bad ones if you trade for real.
Please keep posted on your experience
Avoid Bottarelli Reasearch ..Hazardous to your Money.

My advice to you my friend is to avoid him like the plauge. I tried it lost money with his "recommendattions" are not good and he misrepresents his profit and losses big time to the point of being fraudulent. To date he refused me any kind of refund and does not respond to my emails. Take care.

about bottarelli

Im interested in trying it, the service i used before was from
wavestrength.com (the same people that opened bottarelli reasearch),
i tried it before but i was not so happy with results.
They are not scam becuase they charged from my CC only waht i used and stopped
service when i asked by phone.
Could be a good service becuase high price (around 220 Monthly) but the only garantee
is to test it.
May be if there are a few people interested in it we can share cost for 1 account
and test it.

best regards
Bottarelli Research

No You can't believe him. He is a fraus. Save your money.He is deceptive and misrepresents his profit and loss on trades. But you don't find this out until after your subscribe, and good luck trying to get a refund.
Hope this helps.

Hi, I just got the latest treaser from Bryan Bottarelli research Leaps -it sounds amazing , wonderful testimonials but can you believe these guys?. If they are so good at trading why bother with a newsletter?, can it all be so easy, I have a friend studying with Optionettics now for 2 years and $20K + in courses later she still hasn't made any money yet.

For all the exciting details, click below:


Let me kno wwhat you think?, if you have found out any more infor about Bryans service and maybe we could go halves on a subscription if it seemed worthwhile?/🙂