Vince keeps a-comin!


Hi all,

I keep recieving these Vince Staz. stuff in the mail (and ive never purchase nor asked for anything from him!). One was a recently dated from Jan. I cant remember the name but essentially you would copy his weekly trades for £100+ a month. Now, Ive read the forum and Vince doesnt seem to be favour of the month here. Has anyone used this service (not the binery trading one I read in this forum), or is this a complete con eg- his work books arent selling too hot anymore?

Also, is there any service that is recommended or just leave these well alone?


Do a search for "vince" (top of page, "Discussion", then "Search for a post").

That'll save everyone on the board repeating everything thats been said before.
Vinnys book

I wish I`d read these boards before I shelled out for it, I even thought I was getting a bargain..


One good thing about Vince is when you tell him to stop sending you crap in the post it works. I haven’t had a thing from him for over 18 months now.
Another option would be for everybody to send back his junk in a plain addressed envelope without a stamp. He’ll get a charge from the post office & with any luck get the message that body one is interested in his scam! Sorry scheme, or was I right in the first place?