View New Posts Error


I am finding that when I click on "View New Posts" I am regulalry getting the following error as seen in the attached screenshot. When I then click the back button the "View New Posts Message" resets to 0

Also I have noticed that the T2W clock appears to be set to CET and I have to ask why when most of our members are UK based or trade US markets ?



  • T2W Error.gif
    T2W Error.gif
    37.5 KB · Views: 363
Trader333 said:
I am finding that when I click on "View New Posts" I am regulalry getting the following error as seen in the attached screenshot. When I then click the back button the "View New Posts Message" resets to 0

Also I have noticed that the T2W clock appears to be set to CET and I have to ask why when most of our members are UK based or trade US markets ?


I too am having the same problem with "view new posts"
I mentioned elsewhere that if I leave T2W open and come back later to view, it says no new posts although I haven't marked them read.
Cookies, cookies , cookies! Love 'em or loathe 'em they're the oil in the cogs of this site. Unfortunately they have a tendency to trip themselves over from time to time and particularly when you move domain.

At the moment, the only virtual lucozade I have for sick cookies is contained in this earlier post:

But I'll continue digging around and see if I can unearth a more robust solution.

With regards problems with the time display - check your settings in Control Panel -> Options, if you live in a Daylight Saving Time Zone like the UK then you may wish to switch from auto-detection to DST Always On. It works fine for me on auto, but the depending on your computer configuration the auto-detect may end up guessing wrong.
I would like to try an experiment so maybe someone could help.

When I visit the homepage I am seeing the latest post times for any thread but when I go to view it the last post is listed one hour earlier than shown on the homepage.

Could a few of you do the same and let me know if you are having the same probelm or if it is just me. I have contacted Sharky and all my settings are as they should be.


Paul - tried this and cannot replicate your problem - sorry

What I am getting though is that the home page tells me I have 1 unviewed pm since my last visit when I do not - do others get this?
Trader333 said:
When I visit the homepage I am seeing the latest post times for any thread but when I go to view it the last post is listed one hour earlier than shown on the homepage.

Nope. Doesn't do that for me. Working as it should.
Sounds like it is something in my own settings if others are not getting the same. I will have a play around and see if I can sort it out and thanks for helping.

It appears to be better if you always log out when you leave T2W which I never used to do.
