Verified Auto Trading System, 35% Per Month Return


Senior member

New trading system just released to the public, verifiable trading results - 35% per month average return, 98% winners, small drawdown. Trading signals generated once a day, 10 minutes work.

Subscription is only $299 per month, first month fully refunded if you are not completely satisfied.

Click below to view more details...
for a brief, very brief second there Hoggums, I thought you'd lost the plot and were being serious 😱
It appears to be silly season with regards to ridiculous systems and claims on this board so I thought I'd join in the fun.
I realised you were taking the **** when it said per month, that's what you turn over a week normally isn't it!!
Shush!! That was supposed to be our secret!

(Cue the desperate pm's)....
Phew! thought somebody had stolen my hard work for a moment.
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Lovely 🙂

I'm in, money is on the way.

PS, can you please improve the working time, cutting it down to say 5 minutes per day would make it even more attractive.
