US EOD charts


Well-known member
Is there any software which will provide EOD data for US stocks and view charts with TA. I have in mind something like Sharescope where I can do one download for a list of prices and view charts for different periods one after another. I can create a portfolio of required tickers but I would like to view charts in succession with one click. Thanks so much for feedback, much appreciated.
tc2000 by worden brothers is good for eod usa. its about 20$ a month. you can do sorts, view with one button, write your own formulas etc.
they have a live realtime version called tcnet.
I use Updata TA and according to several (of the many 🙁 )marketing emails I've had from them you can add US EOD data into their system at no extra charge.

However they are UK based and if you're only looking at US stocks then you're prob better off with a US company.
EOD data can be collected for free -- various cheap packages will retrieve data from various sources and optionally convert into metastock format.

I use Omnitrader and Metastock EOD packages and use citifeed prestel for UK data and use MQ downloader to download FREE US data

a nice feature with this program is that you can also right mouse click on the stock you are interested in and it will show you the current / latest chart for that stock.

For ASCII downloads and optional and conversion to metastock you can use the downloader and Convert to Metastock utilities from

As YAHOO data is provided by Reuters it should be OK. I've noticed some very slight differences between it and my prestel EOD data for the UK but as I'm only interested in EOD trading the differences are so small that the trading systems produce the same results. When my prestel subscription expires I don't think I'll renew it as the free data is good enough.
getting Free EOD -- US Stocks -- works for UK as well

Here's a step by step method of getting EOD (FREE) data for US -- (and UK) into your computer.

It also shows you a very simple way of getting large tables from the Web into EXCEL without having to cut and paste via the inbuilt but often overlooked Web Query function -- it's easy and follow the instructions and you can get any web table data into a spreadsheet.

Read my post at the bottom of this thread.

Happy Trading ---
I am using Yahoo for US charts. If you register than you can create your own portfolio of shares and you can view detailed data and charts from intraday onwards. The data is probably delayed 15 min. There is limited TA as well . I have found this is sufficient for my use.