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Ive read about 50 articles in recent days, attempting to clarify what exactly is negative in the long-term with regards to the USA's current account deficit. I have a couple of questions that I would like answered regarding this subject as there are so many conflicting viewpoints in other articles that I could be forgiven for thinking this issue is open to personal interpretation. However I dont believe this is so, and feel there is a definitive answer....
If the US economy is importing more than they are exporting then they have a current account deficit and a capital account surplus, why is this bad in the long-term ?
Firstly, why are foreign nations so concerned about this deficit if the US themselves are not concerned, (with the exception of Greenspan's occasional reference to the issue whenever it suits him) if the US are concerned, then why do they pursue such reckless policies ? (see conspiracy section below). Also, I dont understand why foreign nations are so concerned about the US defecit as its their own corps that are profiting from exporting goods to the USA, albeit in return for a dollar that has lesser value, then the logical step is to raise the price of the exporting goods to compensate or take a cut in profits, which aint so bad aslong as your making a profit.
To help me understand, I assume that the bulk of the orders from foreign nations are purchased in dollars at the coroprate level, is this correct ? if it is, then why is the deficit considered debt ? Do the US corps not pay for the foreign exporter's / suppliers upon receipt of the goods and services out of profits they have historically accumulated ?
Are the foreign corps extending "credit" on a corporate level, through borrowing from there own banks in order to access the lucrative global market, expecting a dollar repayment at some time in the future, from whichever US corp ordered the goods ? My interpretation with regards to the forex market, is that foreign corps are paid in US dollars for goods, and these dollars are held in "reserve", traded on the forex market or used to buy up assets within the states where the dollars can actually be spent.
If the foreign corps are not extending credit, then the deficit must be funded internally within the USA as US corps borrow from the US banks to pay for these foreign goods? Is this correct ?
If this scenario is the "correct" one, can someone briefly explain the mechanisms needed to manage the debt internally, and explain why the foreigner's to the US are progessively becoming more jittery about this. Briefly is ok 🙂
Bush Jnr recently said the USA intended to maintain a strong dollar policy. I can understand how this protects the foreign investor's interests who are exporting goods, buying up assets and securites etc. However what does a strong dollar policy do to "solve" the deficit ? If the Fed raises the interest rate, then the dollar rises, and then exports are less competetive on the global level, so therefore imports increase and the defecit gets bigger.... do I understand this process correctly here ? How does the US keep everyone happy ? Higher interest = better return's for the foreign corp's, lower interest means a weaker dollar, less return's for the foreign corp's, lower value in assets and a reduction in the current account deficit due to an expanding US exporting economy..... At what level are foreigner's so keen to see this deficit reduced ?
And now onto the conspiracy section, I dont like to talk about conspiracies regarding subjects that I dont fully understand at the fundamental level, but here it go's anyway. I read an article suggesting the US are deliberately creating the defecit to force China into discarding the Yuan peg. My assesment based on how I think the Neo-cons are thinking is that if China wont play ball, then we wont pay you for your goods.... but this is where I also get lost off in terms of where the debt's origionate from, because what is there to pay back ? if the goods are paid for in dollars borrowed by US corps from US banks then any debt is owed internally... Also most of the corporation owner's are in the bilderberg group who in bed with the banker's.....
Apparently the dollar / yuan peg must be lifted by 2008, so there is no logic in creating a defecit to hurt China, as it only serve's to hurt the US themselves more in term's of "debt repayments".(ofcourse the neo-cons may have a long-term war agenda for China, however I would like to remain within economic boundarie's so lets assume they dont have a long-term war agenda for China).
So.... who is the debt actually owed to and at what level ? please someone who knows the score here respond and put me out of my misery 🙂
If the US economy is importing more than they are exporting then they have a current account deficit and a capital account surplus, why is this bad in the long-term ?
Firstly, why are foreign nations so concerned about this deficit if the US themselves are not concerned, (with the exception of Greenspan's occasional reference to the issue whenever it suits him) if the US are concerned, then why do they pursue such reckless policies ? (see conspiracy section below). Also, I dont understand why foreign nations are so concerned about the US defecit as its their own corps that are profiting from exporting goods to the USA, albeit in return for a dollar that has lesser value, then the logical step is to raise the price of the exporting goods to compensate or take a cut in profits, which aint so bad aslong as your making a profit.
To help me understand, I assume that the bulk of the orders from foreign nations are purchased in dollars at the coroprate level, is this correct ? if it is, then why is the deficit considered debt ? Do the US corps not pay for the foreign exporter's / suppliers upon receipt of the goods and services out of profits they have historically accumulated ?
Are the foreign corps extending "credit" on a corporate level, through borrowing from there own banks in order to access the lucrative global market, expecting a dollar repayment at some time in the future, from whichever US corp ordered the goods ? My interpretation with regards to the forex market, is that foreign corps are paid in US dollars for goods, and these dollars are held in "reserve", traded on the forex market or used to buy up assets within the states where the dollars can actually be spent.
If the foreign corps are not extending credit, then the deficit must be funded internally within the USA as US corps borrow from the US banks to pay for these foreign goods? Is this correct ?
If this scenario is the "correct" one, can someone briefly explain the mechanisms needed to manage the debt internally, and explain why the foreigner's to the US are progessively becoming more jittery about this. Briefly is ok 🙂
Bush Jnr recently said the USA intended to maintain a strong dollar policy. I can understand how this protects the foreign investor's interests who are exporting goods, buying up assets and securites etc. However what does a strong dollar policy do to "solve" the deficit ? If the Fed raises the interest rate, then the dollar rises, and then exports are less competetive on the global level, so therefore imports increase and the defecit gets bigger.... do I understand this process correctly here ? How does the US keep everyone happy ? Higher interest = better return's for the foreign corp's, lower interest means a weaker dollar, less return's for the foreign corp's, lower value in assets and a reduction in the current account deficit due to an expanding US exporting economy..... At what level are foreigner's so keen to see this deficit reduced ?
And now onto the conspiracy section, I dont like to talk about conspiracies regarding subjects that I dont fully understand at the fundamental level, but here it go's anyway. I read an article suggesting the US are deliberately creating the defecit to force China into discarding the Yuan peg. My assesment based on how I think the Neo-cons are thinking is that if China wont play ball, then we wont pay you for your goods.... but this is where I also get lost off in terms of where the debt's origionate from, because what is there to pay back ? if the goods are paid for in dollars borrowed by US corps from US banks then any debt is owed internally... Also most of the corporation owner's are in the bilderberg group who in bed with the banker's.....
Apparently the dollar / yuan peg must be lifted by 2008, so there is no logic in creating a defecit to hurt China, as it only serve's to hurt the US themselves more in term's of "debt repayments".(ofcourse the neo-cons may have a long-term war agenda for China, however I would like to remain within economic boundarie's so lets assume they dont have a long-term war agenda for China).
So.... who is the debt actually owed to and at what level ? please someone who knows the score here respond and put me out of my misery 🙂