Upcoming Seminars


Experienced member
Hey folks!

Personally I am looking for some seminars around the London area. But if people want to use this thread for seminars in other areas, then have at it.

I'm looking for some on trading/investing or even just market conditions in general. Preferably for free, but id be willing to part with a little money if it offers something beyond what the free ones offer.

Thanks in advance!
Hey folks!

Personally I am looking for some seminars around the London area. But if people want to use this thread for seminars in other areas, then have at it.

I'm looking for some on trading/investing or even just market conditions in general. Preferably for free, but id be willing to part with a little money if it offers something beyond what the free ones offer.

Thanks in advance!

There is some excellent stuff in the "Quantopian" series on YouTube that includes names like Andreas Clenow, Robert Carver etc. Even if Quant trading is not your chosen style there is so much excellent general stuff from these people. Some of it's reasonably heavy going but it's worth making the effort in my opinion. If you get the Quant bug they also do a series of lectures here : https://www.quantopian.com/lectures. It's all free and you don't even have to get out of bed if you don't want to!
There is some excellent stuff in the "Quantopian" series on YouTube that includes names like Andreas Clenow, Robert Carver etc. Even if Quant trading is not your chosen style there is so much excellent general stuff from these people. Some of it's reasonably heavy going but it's worth making the effort in my opinion. If you get the Quant bug they also do a series of lectures here : https://www.quantopian.com/lectures. It's all free and you don't even have to get out of bed if you don't want to!
Thank you very much my friend!

I will definitely give it a good go of getting through it. Quant isnt really my thing, but neither was trading or jalapenos at one point 🙂

However, I really need to get out a bit more and network. So I'm still looking for seminars and such. One of the lads here mentioned that some are starting back up in September. So I'll be strongly considering going to at least one of those.