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Although we may think that children afflicted with cancer may not have the will power or the strength to withstand it. On the contrary such children have double the stamina and determination than adults, to complete the treatment. In US, the number of children diagnosed with cancer may have increased but at the same time, the number of them dying due to cancer has certainly become lower. The challenge now lies in keeping the cancer deaths low, if not finding a permanent cure for cancer.

Many non-profit organizations have come forward to support the cause of child cancer. One such is the St. Baldrick’s Foundation which was formed to support the cause of dealing with cancer afflicted children. These children often lose their hair while undergoing the chemotherapy treatment. The mission of the St Baldrick’s foundation is to spread awareness and raise funds to cure cancer in kids by promoting cancer research and fellowships. To show their solidarity in upholding this mission, thousands of brave, bold and bald shavees step up to be shorn year after year, becoming walking billboards for the cause of childhood cancer research. This event is run similar to a walk-a-thon, except the "shavees" ask their friends, families and others to pledge money by asking, "How much will you pay to see me go bald?"

These events are held all over the world and organized through the St. Baldrick's Foundation. The Foundation raises awareness and money to help cure children's cancer by supporting cancer research and fellowships. It enjoys the patronage of a number of individuals and organizations. Some of the names of the donors include Bob and Kerry Orlich, Francis & Rosa Feeney, Brynjolfsson Family, Mr. Timothy Gardner, The Shah Family Christian Fund, Mr. David Disiere among scores of others esteemed donors
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