

Junior member
Last night I posted a question as to the whereabouts of a recent thread on the subject of TCA Futures. I said nothing offensive or libellous, it was a simple information request, yet I wake up this morning to find my thread deleted.

I find this incredible, especially as a thread below which uses the word "spastic" in an offensive and derogatory manner is allowed to stay, no problem.

If T2W is complicit in the activities of a company which ALLEGEDLY operates as a scam they stand to lose a lot of credibility should those accusations ever be proven.

Rant over.
hi sh

i'm only guessing but i think your thread went because there were active tca threads at the time - no ulterior motive.

the spastic reference has been cleaned up


hi sh

i'm only guessing but i think your thread went because there were active tca threads at the time - no ulterior motive.

the spastic reference has been cleaned up



Thanks Jon. The thing is it was one of those recently active threads that I was looking for, but I can't find it anywhere on the site. I know the search box doesn't pick up three letter words but I tried using other words that I remember from the thread to no avail. It doesn't seem to be here any more...
Actually I noticed a thread on the same subject deleted from elitetrader. Having said that plenty of references remain on both sites to the TCA Futures insolvency so if it was an attempt at a cover up theyd need to try a bit harder!