ultimate trading system - key interview questions

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lets take a hypothetical situation with a little turtle flavouring.........

1) you are one of the greatest traders in the world 😉........your Trading systems have provided sustained profitability for decades and you have never ever passed on the gems to anyone else - although they are teachable in your opinion

2) you have decided to retire and wish to pass this secret on to one trader ................you have no idea who that will be but want to do so .....a legacy that keeps on giving

you are going to put an ad on all of the big trading forums ...........open to all

once the zillions of requests come in (as everyone knows how successful you are)...........

can you suggest to me the 3 simple questions you will ask all the applicants that will get you to the eventual finalists and people worthy of your treasures ? :smart:

answers on a postcard please .....

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lets take a hypothetical situation

1) you are one of the greatest traders in the world 😉........your Trading systems have provided sustained profitability for decades and you have never ever passed on the gems to anyone else - although they are teachable in your opinion

2) you have decided to retire and wish to pass this secret on to one trader ................you have no idea who that will be but want to do so .....a legacy that keeps on giving

you are going to put an ad on all of the big trading forums ...........open to all

once the zillions of requests come in (as everyone knows how successful you are)...........

can you suggest to me the 3 simple questions you will ask all the applicants that will get you to the eventual finalists ? :smart:

answers please


Best memorable experience and why?

Worst memorable experience and why?

What is the meaning of life to you?

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still thinking on my questions...definitely will be alongs the lines of where have you been and where are you going .............but people can lie ???

still thinking on my questions...definitely will be alongs the lines of where have you been and where are you going .............but people can lie ???


They have to know what makes you tick first though right?
1) Do you think there are secrets in trading?

2) Do you think you can go through hell?

3) What are you going to do with the money?
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1) Do you think there are secrets in trading?

2) Do you think you can go through hell?

3) What are you going to do with the money?

I like these, especially No.3. I have a sneaking suspicion many traders are in love with the activity and challenge: they won't be fulfilled even if they make more than enough money to live comfortably on. So they sub-consciously sabotage their own trading to ensure they never get there and always need to stay in the game. (with a nod to Mark Douglas)
Pass the test?

I’ve thought about this myself! For me, first and foremost would be to create a shortlist based on I.Q as measured on a standardized test, preferably a Culture Fair test. So, the initial application, before even getting to the questions would be proof of their I.Q.

My questions would then be something along these lines:

1) Where do you rank yourself on the following scale:


2) What is more important to you?
  • Achievement
  • Wealth

3) List the following subjects in order of preference from your most favourite to least favourite.

English, Mathematics, Science, Art
My questions as follows . . .

1. Why do you want to learn what I've got to teach you? (Tip: 'to make a shed load of money' is the wrong answer!)
2. Why should I give you this opportunity (as opposed to the next person)? A cliché interview question I know - but a good one nonetheless.
3. If I asked you to jump out of the top floor window of a high rise building - would you do it? I was actually asked this very question aged 22, straight out of art college in 1982 when I attended an interview to sell life insurance door to door in Bristol. I got the job - and was crap at it - and only lasted six months. However, I learned more about myself and life in general in that short time that I don't regret a minute of it.
My questions as follows . . .

1. Why do you want to learn what I've got to teach you? (Tip: 'to make a shed load of money' is the wrong answer!)
2. Why should I give you this opportunity (as opposed to the next person)? A cliché interview question I know - but a good one nonetheless.
3. If I asked you to jump out of the top floor window of a high rise building - would you do it? I was actually asked this very question aged 22, straight out of art college in 1982 when I attended an interview to sell life insurance door to door in Bristol. I got the job - and was crap at it - and only lasted six months. However, I learned more about myself and life in general in that short time that I don't regret a minute of it.

Interested in your reply to no 3???

a) sure no problem
b) no
c) why
d) how much will you pay me

Do you have the tenacity and resolve to follow the rules to the letter and give me examples of where this has been applied?

How hard have you worked/what effort have you put into trading already. How much have you spent how many hours have you put into this and why then do you think you are not successful already?

Tell me about your upbringing what struggles have you or your family gone through to deserve what I'm going to teach you and how will YOU pass this knowledge on and to whom?

I guess id want to see someone deserving get my knowledge and that they have at least tried to make a go of it and also that they're not going to treat this like every other system they've tried and give up when they have a few bad results
1) When does the owl of Minerva spread its wings
2) Are you an Epicurian
3) Is the Dark such a bad thing when it is what light came from?

And then if the applicant answers your questions correctly - you don't pick them 😀

1) The owl : is that understanding can only be achieved when its too late.
2) Epicurians relish the hardest challenge and will make it harder for the end satisfaction
3) forbidden knowledge
1) When does the owl of Minerva spread its wings
2) Are you an Epicurian
3) Is the Dark such a bad thing when it is what light came from?

that'll do it ..😆..

MM you need to get out more mate and spend all those profits 😎

1) The owl : is that understanding can only be achieved when its too late.
2) Epicurians relish the hardest challenge and will make it harder for the end satisfaction
3) forbidden knowledge

didn't epicure make pickled onions ?.......😆