UK living experiences


Junior member
hi guys, just thought i would post something intersting that i read on a migration forum. Note: i did not write this, just pasting it to elicit comments. what do you guys ( brits and non-brits) thnk?

<<<<I presume you are an Asian from Sg. If you are Caucasian, some of my comments may not apply to you. No disrespect to you but I find it pretty strange that you are migrating to UK without trying to live there for a long period of time. Making money in certain jobs may seem attractive..

I lived in UK for couple of years. I have very good memories of the place and English friends, I also have pretty bad experience of racism and the country generally. I suppose if one live in a cushy area in London, one can bury himself in his work or surround himself with family or friends from Sg or M'sia and do not mix thoroughly with the locals. But England and being British cannot be living like what I described above. From my experience, most Brits will never treat you like an equal or like one of their own. No matter how smart u are. Also, Sg people who live in central Uk and never live in poorer parts of UK never really see what Uk really is now. You will be shocked to know that there are a lot of people in Uk who lived and behaved like a third world country. People calling you names in the street, thrown stones at you, pushing cars into rivers, kids grabbing your mobile from you in the middle of the high street, OAP got mugged and beaten up...very sad but I have seen with my own eyes.>>>
hi guys, just thought i would post something intersting that i read on a migration forum. Note: i did not write this, just pasting it to elicit comments. what do you guys ( brits and non-brits) thnk?
What sort of comments were you looking for in particular? The reason I ask, is if I understand this correctly, it is a viewpoint based on the experiences of an individual, not really a whole lot to comment on.
Strange..... very strange.

If you want to visit the most racist and xenophobic place on earth.... Flight BA 222 ( If memory serves me correctly) from Gatwick to St Georges Bermuda. I spent 10 years there and a lot of the locals hate us expats with a passion. Those who smile to your face and stick knives in your back are rampant; those who give you a bundle of verbal racist abuse to your face.... equally plentiful.

Why did I stay so long........... £££££££££££££££££££££££££ and tax free.

When I left, two fingers held aloft in the Churchill style salute with a very hefty wallet dragging me down!!!

Try working there for a while and hardly anything will upset you here - within reason.

Back to important matters... will Man United finally win the FA Cup this year????????

My Motto; 'I'm a banana, you can't crack me'