UK Level 2 feeds?

I have used ADVFN uncontended, then contended then after I repaired my monitor through objects being thrown at it in frustration I migrated to Proquote. there is no comparison. PQ is much faster than advfn and has saved/made me much more money than the difference in costs.
It is false economy to compare the prices when PQ is so much better. Only problem is I did like the advfn setup better - but its a small price to pay imo
the amount of money u guys make, surely you just definately want quality....
Agreed - but trouble is, the ADVFN interface, when it works, is very user friendly and allows me to tile four Level 2 windows. It also shows all the orders on the book - the other providers generally allow fewer windows (e.g 3 with proquote) and/or only show the last few orders on each side.

I don't think I could stand to use the contended service!
Proquote has the ability of 4 L2 windows and you can filter the orders u want to see.

It is also more stable and faster than advfn

Hi - do you use both UK & US L2 data? I saw your post on the Nasdaq L2 training and wondered where you were on this? I get L2 from Etrade which is v useful....but very tempted by the US L2 stuff and hooking up with Naz to find out more. What's been your experience to date? Also, while I am on (!) do you have a view on Updata for charting and RT prices. It doesn't seem too clever on the US and am wondering if there are cheaper ways to get charts & data on US from US supplier. Thanks for any thoughts.....P
Gosh, underselling themselves then - their website says you can only have 3 Level 2 windows active at once.
It now seems that the new Level 2 service will be launched in mid January, although I don't yet have any pricing information for it. As Mr. Charts says, very reputable people, so I await it with interest.
Finally dumped ADVFN (takes 30 days to go through however), after further Level 2 errors. Apparently they do not have any verification systems for their feed from the LSE. So when a blip in the feed happens (as it did at 15.19 yesterday afternoon), changes to the order book during that blip are lost, which is why rogue orders then get left on the book and are not detected until the spread moves past them, by which time it is too late if one has been trading based on the information. The rogue orders then have to be removed manually as there is currently no way of synchronising the ADVFN Level 2 screen with the LSE order book.

The problem is not confined to Level 2. I dug a little deeper and discovered that a number of trades which took place at 15.19 yesterday do not appear in their Trades database, which means volume information for the day is incorrect.

Away next week, but after that I'll be looking at Proquote (I don't think their L2 offering will suffer from this problem as one account they offer allows writing to the SETS book hence there is bound to be verification built into the system). Still waiting for pricing and rollout date on the MoneyAM system.
Agree about advfn L2 problems, turns into a real headache sometimes, I hear complaints about proquote L2 too..maybe those using it can give better info, Splurge?
Maybe its best waiting for MoneyAM, received an e-mail from them recently, looks the launch is not going to be too late...

It might be worth waiting for Mike's offering before subscribing to Proquote;-)
I used to use the later when I traded UK and it was excellent, though I objected to an overnight increase from approx £75 to £150 and terminated.
I use esignal for US and it's brilliant; apparently you can add UK Level 2 for a modest amount.
UK Level 2


Can anyone recommend good reading material to get a handle on the UK Level 2 trading screen?

Kevyn T

Slightly off topic BUT I must agree with the comments about Updata. Tried their Technical Analyst (TA) as a demo with EOD, and it wouldn't save the charts with my spec... trendlines etc. kept changing and the lines were way out when I opened after saving. I think they were getting people to test their Beta versions IMHO. I mean for £999 you'd expect the save function to be sound..even my ZX81 could manage that on a Ferric C90!!!! And Updata said they would mail me with a fix for my problems...but no joy. They acknowledged the problem existed but I heard nothing. And I was mightily impressed with the rest of the program. Excellent marketing strategy though.....having tried TA I wouldn't dare negotiate anything more complicated.
So glad it is not just me that has a problem with updata software not saving drawn lines etc. Also since the live feed has changed from broadcast to internet it is forever fading out after the ftse closes leaving you in the dark for the dow etc. Always happens after support have gone home, although they don't seem to be there during the day much either!
I cannot remember the last time I had a problem with PQ (btw who are you). It has also just been improved and you can have up to 12 stocks with top line L2 numbers as well as having 4 full L2 windows open. I have my set all the time and find it great.

Pollux - I used to use Cybertrader for L2 Nasdaq Direct Access but I am just moving over to IB. However, if you did not realise this already Nasdaq L2 is 10 times more interactive than UK L2 and approaches to its use are very different so do not assume they operate in the same way.

razorgirl said:
This morning's fiasco with ADVFN has prompted me again to consider changing data providers. 😡

I need real time charting (not fussed about indicators but need 5 or preferably 10 day intraday charts) and uncontended UK Level 2 (not necessarily from the same provider).

AFAIK the alternatives to ADVFN for Level 2 are GNI and Updata. I'm not particularly keen on opening a GNI account as the charging structure doesn't suit my trading style and position sizing strategy, and I haven't been able to get the Updata demo to activate despite a number of emails to their support desk (certainly not going to fork out a grand without trying the demo!)

Would go for the Sharescope RT option if there was a Level 2 bolt on.

Any other ideas?

would u be interested in paying a one time fee and recieving data from for unlimited markets this is done via sattelite dish and reciver card in your pc?

please let me know
TD Waterhouse are introducing a package which includes L2/charting/news data using Proquote, called ProTrader.
I have tried it for a few days and looks interesting.
I have already got GNI L2. The Proquote L2 is a lot better than GNI's
Racer said:
Also TDW ProTrader includes a trading platform as part of the package

Try etrade. They do a similar package, which I believe is cheaper than TDW. Only problem is you get delayed US info. Good value if you do 30+ trades per quarter.

I've found their trading system okay. Good tech info (Bollingers, candlestick etc), also live currency feeds etc.

Pity they don't do live US though.

Hope this helps.