UK gov releases UFO files


Veteren member




UFO files | Newly released files from The National Archives

My view is that probability wise it's rather unlikely that we're the only ones around, but also that there are a lot of cranks out there freely inventing UFO sightings to make themselves more interesting.

Anyway, this is being passed around the German media right now, and there might be some interesting stuff in there.




UFO files | Newly released files from The National Archives

My view is that probability wise it's rather unlikely that we're the only ones around, but also that there are a lot of cranks out there freely inventing UFO sightings to make themselves more interesting.

Anyway, this is being passed around the German media right now, and there might be some interesting stuff in there.

About that last photo, do you think that the alien piloting the UFO had perhaps too much Schnapps? It does seem like it, doesn't it?:cheesy:

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Haha yup looks like that Eduardo.

Barcelona, that pic.


Think Split who lives there goes drinking with aliens in his spare time.

Haha yup looks like that Eduardo.

Barcelona, that pic.


Think Split who lives there goes drinking with aliens in his spare time.


Gosh, we missed all the fun; that's not fair!
Oh! Well, next time perhaps...!

Do you think guys, that female aliens will be attractive?
Will be they suitable for inter-civilization intercourse?

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Hope they're more attractive than your crocodiles anyway. Probably croc gents wouldn't agree tho.

This guy too:


Looks like a regular Jim Bob or Billy Bob named kinda character too haha.

You're right BSD. Will be crocodiles actually aliens infiltrators in our society?
Uk gov has also released this three pics:




  • croc.jpg
    43 KB · Views: 2,716
Do you think guys, that female aliens will be attractive?
Will be they suitable for inter-civilization intercourse?


Hope they are not like Klingons...nor Vulcans, what a mighty headache that would be!
Anyway, a logical woman...can't even imagine that!:cheesy:
A bit of an oxymoron, isn't it?:p

Government pulls the same old trick as they are well aware that the best lie is that which is concealed within two truths.

They appear honest by revealing some of what they have on record making sure they release the majority of turd photos that look like they were faked by a five year old alongside a few more disputable ones.

Then they expect the public to write the whole UFO conspiracy off as a crock of sh*t whllst they squirrel away the evidence and back engineer it.


Images 1 and 2 look like poor quality rendered stills from a sh*t video game. Number three is a famous fake. Wasn't it attributed to that story telling a*se clown, George Adamski? And number 4 looks like a talentless student trying to be clever to get through his photography GCSE.
Government pulls the same old trick as they are well aware that the best lie is that which is concealed within two truths.

They appear honest by revealing some of what they have on record making sure they release the majority of turd photos that look like they were faked by a five year old alongside a few more disputable ones.

Then they expect the public to write the whole UFO conspiracy off as a crock of sh*t whllst they squirrel away the evidence and back engineer it.


Images 1 and 2 look like poor quality rendered stills from a sh*t video game. Number three is a famous fake. Wasn't it attributed to that story telling a*se clown, George Adamski? And number 4 looks like a talentless student trying to be clever to get through his photography GCSE.

William Cooper > The Pale Horse
I won't spoil it for you.
By the way don't wiki him. Wiki doesn't tell the whole story and just makes him out to be the conspiracy buff he was when he first started bringing government activities to the attention of the public. Make sure you find out how and why his views changed. V interesting. Quality death too.
Personally, I think all this UFO stuff is a load of boll***$. Someone I know extremely well spent 30 years as a military aviator and during that time he never came across (1) UFOs (2) anyone in the military who had seen one or believed in them. He did however, see and hear about the odd "flashing light" or "starlike apparition" which to the imaginative mind could transmogrify into a flying saucer etc etc....

I once had a neighbour in Wiltshire who went out at night on to Salisbury Plain with a group of likeminds to await UFO landings - never saw any, but that's the way it fascinates people.

Of course, I may well be wrong - this could all be about the proverbial Black Swan. But something has to keep the media going, and take Joe Public's mind off the real political issues of the day. ;)
That's bullsh*t . WC stopped believing in aliens. He said the evidence he uncovered is part of a massive dis-information/detraction programme.