uk alternative to the er2


Established member
hi could anyone tell me if there is anything out there in the uk that is anything like trading the russell 2000 mini futures contract?

In terms of the same tick and point size, and also as volatile, and with a good day trading range.

i was considering trying the bobl, is this a good alternative?

The reason I ask is that of the time difference, getting fed up starting my trading day at 2.30pm.

any info would be really appreciated

I've been thinking the same thing lately (about my working hours) and have started looking a the DAX as a replacement for the ER2. I've not started trading it yet but it looks like the stuff I use on the Russell would work even better on the DAX.

I'm hoping to make the move in the next week or 2 if testing continues to go well.

the dax is the french index right? is the dax on tradestation? and is it a futures contract like the russell?,


jayjay121 said:
the dax is the french index right? is the dax on tradestation? and is it a futures contract like the russell?,


German future (france is cac). Don't use tradestation but would be amazed if it wasn't.
dax - german

the bobl has as much in common with er as the queen has with jordan.
peto said:
German future (france is cac). Don't use tradestation but would be amazed if it wasn't.

Upto a week or so ago you'd have been amazed - they've only just added Eurex believe it or not, and it's data only for now, you've got to trade through someone else!

TS symbol is FDAXZ06 for current month.
turtle trader said:
Upto a week or so ago you'd have been amazed - they've only just added Eurex believe it or not, and it's data only for now, you've got to trade through someone else!

TS symbol is FDAXZ06 for current month.
😱 😢 😡 😕 😱
charliechan said:
the bobl has as much in common with er as the queen has with jordan.

These are the main index futures traded on EUREX (Germany). The figures following the name are volume for today (7 Dec 06) and the value of one point.

None are “minis. The cheapest, in point terms, is DJ Euro Stoxx at Euro12.50 or just over £8.00.

DJ Euro Stoxx 50. 885,668 (Dec expiry), 98,767 (Mar expiry). Don’t confuse this with the less liquid DJ Stoxx 50 – note “Euro” in the name of the first.

DAX. 180,020 (Dec)

1% intra-day ranges are not unusual for the DAX and Stoxx. However, while the two are closely correlated, the DAX is well known for being more volatile over short periods.

SMI (Swiss). 47,338 (Dec)

The following are bond futures traded on EUREX (the Dec’s may have already expired – not sure):

Bund. 119,845 (Dec), 1,164,233 (Mar)

Bobl. 86,753 (Dec), 724,144 (Mar)

Schatz. 71,087 (Dec), 842,001 (Mar)

Eurex web-site:

Stacks of material on the site. You can even download the EUREX Trader training material for the examinations (in English).

Traded on EuroNext LIFFE

CAC (French). 92,207 (Dec)

FTSE (UK). 73,475

Sambihno, where in Cheshire are you? The poor part or the “more money than style” part?

Grant (sunny Stockport).