U.S. trader considering move to U.K.


Right now my wife and I are considering moving to the U.K. in the next few years. I'd like to get some input from some folks regarding whether they think this is doable/advisable and any special considerations we should be aware of.

Some additional things to consider:

1) My wife and I both have family in southern England (Portsmouth and a few other areas nearby).
2) I am eligible for Citizenship through my mother (born prior to 1983 and mother was a U.K. citizen when I was born).
3) Have a decent trading stake and savings and have been making consistent profits over the past 3 years (yeah not forever but long enough to have the ups and downs). Right now my trading stake is making a good annual living for both of us (in the U.S.) plus a reasonable margin for security. Based on what I've seen this would be slightly above a median family income for U.K. (outside of London).
4) Wifey works now but is planning on doing the full time mom thing in the next couple years.
5) Right now we live in California.

On the plus side, moving to the U.K. means we'll be closer to some family that we really enjoy (although we'll have family we miss in the U.S. too), and a superior timeframe to trade from (for Forex PST bites).

Pretty much my main concern is a drop in lifestyle both financially and perhaps weather wise.

Any other thoughts on the matter?
Well buddy your sure right about the weather! Swap Calf. for Portsmouth! Boy you must really love that family!

Of course we also have our Chavs but you have your Crips and Bloods.

We also have a sh#te leader whose on borrowed time but so do you.

Further our economy is in meltdown but so is yours; you'll get a house cheap if you sell yours.

We are involved in an expensive, pointless war, but so are you.


Just the weather mate!
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Have to agree that the weather is s***e, unless that is you love the rain.

From a trading perspective, living in the UK means you have some fab trading hours.

Good Luck
Accommodation costs aside, almost all retail goods and services are noticeably more expensive in the south of England when compared to the US. Generally speaking though, everyday items become more reasonably priced the further north in Britain you go! - However, I wouldn't underestimate the cost of living in the south of England.

And the weather? Well, you don't come here for the weather.
Yeah everyone mostly pointed out the issue:

Family and Better Hours or Cheaper and Sunnier.

On the plus side isn't it pretty cheap to catch a flight to Spain? I would love to live there (or perhaps in France) but no one wants us Yankies ruining their great country...If it weren't for my mother's former citizenship we wouldn't have any options.

On the north of England thing doesn't that equal even worse weather? Just curious as to why it's so much cheaper.
Beer's cheaper, I think they drink more beer. Wine's the thing ' round the south.

Move to Spain and fly back the hour. If your a nice Yank I don't think you'll have any problems, join a golf/tennis club.
On the plus side, moving to the U.K. means we'll be closer to some family that we really enjoy (although we'll have family we miss in the U.S. too), and a superior timeframe to trade from (for Forex PST bites).

Pretty much my main concern is a drop in lifestyle both financially and perhaps weather wise.

Any other thoughts on the matter?

Why on earth would anyone in their right minds opt to move to Portsmouth from California ?

I have experienced both places and the only advantage of Portsmouth is that it does not have a San Andreas Fault.

So you are unlikely to have a massive earthquake in Portsmouth.

Apart from that, the place is a crap-hole.

Why not stay in California and just pay for a few air-fares for your UK family to come and visit you regularly ?

I have spent more than half of my considerable life outside of the UK ( living in 7 other countries ) and the period spent overseas was by far the best.

England is boring, cold, wet, miserable and becoming an increasingly dangerous place to live.

And Portsmouth has a sh1t football ( soccer to you ) team.

Stay where you are or at least go to a warm European country.
Right now my wife and I are considering moving to the U.K. in the next few years. I'd like to get some input from some folks regarding whether they think this is doable/advisable and any special considerations we should be aware of.
Hi eudamonia,
You could suggest a house swap and thereby solve the housing problem in one fell swoop. You'd have a list as long as your arm of Brits wanting to take up your offer. Put my name at the top of it! I have to agree with the general consensus of opinion that your family ties must be quite extraordinary to want to swap California for southern England. You're totally bonkers - no offense intended!
Thanks everyone for the feedback and suggestions.

Sounds to me like most everyone would prefer the crummy trading hours of California over the crummy weather of England.

I think some people might have been confused over the family. We have family on both sides of the pond who are great people. No matter where we live we'll be sure to visit them.


The U.S. is full of boring, self-absorbed, miserable people and has been an increasingly dangerous place to live for some time now 🙂


Do you think I'd really own a house in this type of market? We sold our house 2 years ago and thanks goodness we did. Best trade I've taken in awhile.


Shouldn't really pipe in here living in neither of the places currently, lol, but, what can I say, California (and specifically San Diego, San Fransisco there) has got to be one of my two favourite place in the US together with New York, and London is right up there amongst my all-time favourite cities in Europe, which would amongst a few others include eg Stockholm, Helsinki, Amsterdam, Paris and Berlin, in no particular order, as each have their particular attractions, and change is always fun once in awhile.

Anyway, London is absolutely fantastic, but, mate, bloody expensive, lol.

I mean, seriously, rents / real estate prices in London ?!?

Absolute and total Bubblemania !

So do take that into account.

Go have a chat with Maoxian , he is a fellow American and trader who gets around, he lived in London for a few years, is now living in China, but he could probably tell you some things from your perspective.

But whatever, moving to London you can''t do anything wrong. (Apart from having to trade really well to keep up with some of the ridiculous prices they have there that are far higher than what you're used to from the US and still have fun !)
