U.S. says $30 bln of Libyan assets blocked


A U.S. Treasury Department official said on Monday that about $30 billion of Libyan assets in the United States have now been blocked from access by Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi and his family.

David Cohen, acting Treasury under secretary for terrorism and financial intelligence, said the sum was the largest ever blocked. President Barack Obama signed an executive order freezing the assets last Friday in response to Gaddafi's bloody crackdown on an uprising against his 41-year rule.
And anywhere between $30-70BN of Mubarak's...

Bernanke needs his QE pot from somewhere.
And anywhere between $30-70BN of Mubarak's...

Bernanke needs his QE pot from somewhere.

Yep, an easier 'sell' the the gullible USA public; a huge resource grab and creation of a new pathway at the same time...nice work eh?...

By the time the US and UK are finished they can hoover up at least $500bl from the dictators they previously endorsed, put it into a trust fund (like all of Iraq's wealth) and distribute it to the people in the M.E....eventually..when it's safe and stable to do so and after charging a $1trl management fee.
Are you crazy?

That's OUR money now. We won it, fair and square. Again.

Nope, Dick Cheney and George Bush said all of Iraq's oil wealth is in a trust fund..to be run by grown ups who understand these things..If they invested in OIL, on the markets, with all that physically traded wealth, it must be up to $2trl by now eh? 'Cos they'd know when to short or go long eh? 😀
Nope, Dick Cheney and George Bush said all of Iraq's oil wealth is in a trust fund..to be run by grown ups who understand these things..If they invested in OIL, on the markets, with all that physically traded wealth, it must be up to $2trl by now eh? 'Cos they'd know when to short or go long eh? 😀

I reckon that's what the war was really about. So Damn Insane knew what was going to happen in the US markets so asked for all his money back.

So we all had a war with him to hide the fact we didn't really have it any more.

The War of Mass Deception.
By the time the US and UK are finished they can hoover up at least $500bl from the dictators they previously endorsed...

This is what troubles me. We back these dictators and later they turn out to be bad....better if we had just minded our own business most times. I say let all the ME Sh1t countries battle it out and kill each other off. They've been fighting over there since biblical times.

This is what troubles me. We back these dictators and later they turn out to be bad....better if we had just minded our own business most times. I say let all the ME Sh1t countries battle it out and kill each other off. They've been fighting over there since biblical times.


Nope Pete, *we* back them when they're bad, they're simply jetisoned when they outlive their usefulness as useful idiots, particularly as the ultimate resource war looms large.

Let's not forget that the elite know where they (the dictators) bury their money, generally the same places as the elite, so they let them pilfer and amass hideous wealth knowing it can be confiscated at the drop off a hat. Gaddafi may have spirited away 30bl, (likewise Mubarek), but atm both of them and their families are potless as it'll all be taken away from them..

A cynic may think this gives the USA a perfect opportunity to seal off Egypt and Libya and pincer the M.E. from 2 sides for the benefit of Israel, only Iran in the way...or rather on the radar..
A cynic may think this gives the USA a perfect opportunity to seal off Egypt and Libya and pincer the M.E. from 2 sides for the benefit of Israel, only Iran in the way...or rather on the radar..

Spot on I'd say. All this unrest s not for an unknown reason and this makes perfect sense. Also maybe they now need to take control of more resources as the Chinese are joining the race for supremacy.

Did anyone see the two part program "the Chinese are coming"? What if the chinese had plans to do a deal with Gadaffi or others in the ME and the US got wind of it ? There is no way they could allow that to go ahead.
Nope Pete, *we* back them when they're bad, they're simply jetisoned when they outlive their usefulness as useful idiots, particularly as the ultimate resource war looms large.

We agree. You just said it much better than I did.
